

Ask @SingingShadows

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Which is stronger – love or hate?

look i know i should say love but as an emotion hate is definitely stronger.

Okay so things aren't good between both of you......

If you think I can't identify ur typing patterns ur a damn fool.

What’s the scariest dream you have ever had?

Someone is at my house. I am in the bathroom peeing.
I cannot stop peeing and I am peeing loudly.
They think I have terrible diarrhea.
I'm not kidding this is an actual nightmare I had
Liked by: Yash.

What event(-s) would you like to attend in 2017?

My funeral but in the best case scenario I'd be dead before they cremate me.

Does what they say about your zodiacal sign generally match your personality?

I am totally a goat mermaid constellation.
Also guys it's Ranjan's birthday today, Mridula's birthday on the 3rd and mine on the 4th I'm excited


Language: English