
Daniel Sahyounie(✔)

Ask @SkipSahyounie609

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so im moving it up, can i see you guys in 2 days

We are busy if you see us around great come up to us but I'm not like setting out a day to

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its the 27th right now...ou leave for tour in the us on the 20th in may???

Ok look I'm not good with numbers ok

A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 ends. But a circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends (including me if i am one) If you get 5 back, you're a goodfriend. If you get 10, you're popular. If you get 15, DAM I'M JEALOUS!! :)



Language: English