
Slim K

Ask @SlimKOfficial

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Would you choose money or fame?

Money.. cause with money, comes "fame", somehow when you have money, people notice you better :)

What makes a person “good”?

I've been wondering, what is it that makes a person good? How do you judge whether or not you can consider someone to be good or not? I'm not really talking about the black and white. It is widely accepted that killing is bad, and that people who are killers are not generally considered good people. I'm asking more about that fuzzy area. The area between the paragon, who will be put up for sainthood, and the evil, murderers and such. Can you consider someone who never harms anyone, but also never gives to another a good person? I also find myself wondering about it a lot. Haven't found an answer quite satisfactory yet. 'Good' and 'terms' are some terms when used for people are just like the words 'perfection', 'sincerity', 'selfishness', 'love' and 'silence.' These are complex words and I think we should only use them when much needed and refrain from putting people into such categories. For me, a good person is someone who stops to question his/her deeds and on occasion is tormented by guilt for minor things such as hurting someone's feelings... you get the gist of it. A good person would have a certain set of principles and morals and strives to live by those principles and morals.

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What do you do when you’re angry?

I retreat, and collect my thoughts.. a walk around the block, cleaning, or run a few errands can calm me down and put things into perspective. Nothing is worth a headache.

How do men understand ‘romance’?

Many unfortunately don't, a female is a complex creature, and you get to understand to romance with patience and time.. by paying attention to what, how and when she says something, or wants, and needs... many men don't know nor understand that, cause they have a dumb ego in the way, lack of sensitivity, and some of men's biggest mistakes is taking on a woman from a male perspective, women don't tick that way, they have different views, emotions on romance, love, life and sex than men do! I could go on and on... maybe I should write a book, I know for sure I got loads of experience on this subject ;)))

What is your favorite city?

There are many.. can't pin just one, I've traveled a lot in my life, I've seen many places and great cities. I know for sure, that some of them got to be my birth place Lübeck, great mid-evil architecture, it's the city of marzipan chocolate, and did you know they shot some scenes of the original silent classic "Nosferatu" there?, I love as well my hometown Los Angeles.

How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

All of the above; I've always learned best by observation, of course listening, watching closely, and doing.. Nothing beats first hand experience.

Language: English