
Katie Dempsey Pilkington

Ask @SnowAngelKatie

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What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

There's one on my shoulder. You can barely see it now. But it has a bra strap line through the middle of it. I got it from doing P.E. in high school for once. Me and this girl went for the ball at the same time. She knocked me flying!!! I went down knees, hands, shoulder, face. Ripped open my knee and my shoulder and got a graze next to my eye. I never did P.E. again!!!
Wow this is long...

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

Alex cause repopulation. But Kira cause best friend. But. I CAN'T CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM! DON'T MAKE ME!!!

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What is your favorite source of outdoor entertainment?

Outdoor entertainment... Ummmm... Does walking around for no reason count? Xx

Would you rather wear a snow suit in the desert or be naked in Antarctica?

Naked. Cause there would be some way to warm up. Maybe by killing an animal and wearing it's skin. I would rather be cold than hot any day! Xx

What is your favorite thing about summer?

That I don't have to go out for education. Cause then I can hide from the sun. Xx

How is college not spoke in a long time since prom I think ??

Who is this? And college is shit. Second and last year now. So yeah. That's okay I guess. Xx

Which movie do you think is overrated?

Well... There's a few of these but twighlight. Oh and then there's alien vs predator. I think that's pretty overrated. Xx

hey how are you do you miss school ???

I miss certain teachers and like 2 people mainly but that's it... Still hate the rest of everything with a passion.

Who makes you laugh?

Anyone. But mainly Kira, Alex and Joe. But I haven't talked to Joe in ages and I miss him. :c

What do you do when the remote is too far?

Reach as far as I can to try and get it, ask someone to pass it to me, or build up the effort to get it myself. Xx

Best music service? Pandora, Soundcloud or Spotify?

Sound cloud for some things. Spotify for other. If I had to pick, I'd say Spotify. <3

What's your hair color?

Natural ginger. Died blue/black. Right now a kind of ginger mixed with some black and some dark brown... cx


Language: English