
Sofia Gav

Ask @SofiaMilady

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Do you know if English subtitles of Union and Salvation are available, please?

Hi! Sorry, I don't know that...

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, что за кавер-версия звучит в этом видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBZ4kFw5uD0? Заранее благодарна!

Здравствуйте! Простите, что там поздно отвечаю... Это Sigrid - Everybody knows

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Добрый день! Наткнулась на ваш кряк по Шерлоку и заинтересовалась одним моментом на 4:12-4:21 (где "почти никто не мучился"). Не подскажите из какого это трейлера? Всё обшарила и не нашла. Буду ооооочень признательна, если поможете :)

Привет) Это из трейлера к славным парням в озвучке Кураж Бамбея

pLEASE MAKE MORE EDITS OF THE IT MOVIE I LIVE FOR THEM CUZ THEYRE SO AMAZING 😍😭 so sad tho cuz i cant view your recent one on bill for some reason :’(

thaanks:)))) I'll upload it on vimeo)))

i just watched your bill/beverly dusk till dawn and im???? that was beautiful,, where did you find the movie clips? i want to make my own edit but i can't find anything to actually edit with

I downloaded the whole movie from piratbay

Hello! I recently whached your music vid on Percival Graves. What In the world is that background music??? Its amazing! Its driving me nuts, please tell Me! Thanks!

thank you:))) it's Dean Valentine – Now I Take Everything From You

Hello! I recently made a video that was inspired by your "marvel-promise" vid. I tried doing a different idea but if you find it too similar to yours, please let me know! I don't want to be stealing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il_a5vThQo8

HI! I can't watch your video, but I don't think that was a stealing because I told me about it)))

Hi! I was just wondering what you did to make YT strike your channel? If you don't want to talk about it, that's TOTALLY fine, but I'd like to know in order to avoid that happening in the future ^^

HI) Well I just uploaded video with Sam Smith's song "Writing's on the Wall" and YouTube send me warning that my account has "Bad standing" till 22nd of March... But then I decided to upload the same video but for that time I used cover of this song and YouTube send me the second warning but now my channel has "Bad standing" till 22nd of September 2016 and if I will have one more strike my account will be terminated... So never use this songXD

How you make your videos ?

Well, firstly I need inspiration XD Ok, I usually make video like this: I find a song that I really would like to vid with or it can be a movie that I like and after I will try to find a song that will fit movie... After finding all of this I use Sony Vegas( I use SV pro 13 but I don't see very big difference between pro 13 and pro 12 or 11...). I think SV is very easy program to use. Usually I've got already maden coloring or if you can't make it by your self you can download it. So while making a video I try match my editing with the music. Of course I use some effects and especially sounds effects( I've found them on YouTube) And that's all:))

Language: English