
Stacey Harrison

We all know who's asking you these questions, just jealous because you are happier than you've ever been before and they don't like it. Everyone needs to leave you alone, they just want to upset you, well guess what? It's not working, now stop being anonymous if you wanna say something :)

RhiaannSaraahxo’s Profile PhotoRhiann Sarah Northall
It's sooo funny! We find out soon who is saying this anyway ahah can't wait. But yeah they should just inbox me really but nope got no balls have they ahah I'm not bothered it's hilarious xxx

Latest answers from Stacey Harrison

Wish these bastards would fuck off and leave you alone. You deserve so much better.

Who are you?

What film do you want to watch that's out at the minute?

That unfriended thing I think that's what it's called, it looks cool

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