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(c) so that relationship probably is going to happen and I'm trying to deal with that fact and stuff but it's just hard to deal with and I'm getting really upset about it:/

I can see it's hard, but all you can do is voice your opinion and how you're feeling - you never know what will happen in the future so keep your head held high x
Liked by: Sinead Corr

(c) he knows how I feel has done for months:/ it's upsetting!

I can imagine it is. What did he say when you told him how you felt? x

(c) she just says 'well I don't know what to do' and I don't want him breaking her heart or my arm or hurting anyone else's feelings,and everyone hates him too! and she has asked for your advice yesterday so you know how much she likes him but she's just wasting her time,how do I help her?x

Just answered all this in one question x

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My best friend is going out with this boy who is a total player and told his last girlfriend to die after she dumped him and yesterday he nearly broke my arm on purpose and he's being horrible to all of our mates and she knows all this and she just (c)

This sounds like a really difficult position to be in, and I totally understand how you feel! Firstly - you said he nearly broke your arm on purpose. This is unacceptable behaviour! Whether he was 'joking' and 'playing about' or got violent - it's still wrong and you shouldn't have to deal with that. If he ever gets physically abusive again you MUST tell someone, okay?
Secondly; it sounds to me he's being verbally nasty to you and your friends. It sounds to me she just doesn't want to leave the relationship for some reason - maybe he's brainwashing her to stay with him so she never leaves him, because he doesn't want to be on his own? It's hard to watch a friend be treated in that way - but there's not a great amount you can do. You can try and talk to her when shes away from him, and tell her it's not a healthy relationship to be in, and give her as much advice and support as you possibly can. The more support she has, the easier it'll be to end the relationship. The more people who tell her and try and make her aware of the situation she is in, the clearer it'll become for her.

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I don't want to lose him, he means the world to me. I have had a bad past, I tried not to fall for him but i ended up doing so because he is amazing. I let him into my life, I just don't want to go through that heartbreak again as I do have exams coming up and it's a lot of stress for me actually.

Maybe concentrate on your exams for now, try and minimize all the stress in your life at the present, because you'll make yourself ill and stress yourself out about it. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen. You need to be open about your feelings, it's the best way - trust me x

I am upset because of this guy I love, he says he loves me too and but I don't know how to trust him. Sometimes I get paranoid thinking 'what if he says all of this to other girls?' I'm upset because it feels like we're drifting apart and he's taking interest in others rather than me.

Is he the sort of guy who is flirty with all girls? Because that would annoy me too! Relationships are built on trust, without trust you have nothing. Do you feel like you trust him? x

I'm back,the girl from yesterday who liked the boy who possibly liked someone else and my friend who was friends with her was rubbing it in my face yeah,well turns out he does like the girl 'a little bit' as another mate told me and I the girl likes him back so (c)

If you really feel upset about it, you really need to do something! You can't sit back and watch this happen if you have feelings for him! Tell him how you feel, then he can decide what to do :) x

He even told my friends that today was the first time we got together 3 years ago? he remembers everything I didn't remember that because I can't forgive him and his little brother talks to be all the time at schoolit makes me feel bad even though i wasn't the one in the wrong - he was. please help?

Obviously he's done some very hurtful things towards you, that are unforgivable. I'm not saying forgive him, because he has hurt you - but if the anger and upset is eating you up - you may need to forgive him (not tell him you've forgiven him) for yourself, because you deserve to be happy after what he's done to you. By forgiving him, you're letting go of the hurt he has caused you. x

Thanks but he asked a girl out and openly told her that he is still in love with me so she obviously rejected him and he says that he will remain single and that i am the only girl for him?

He obviously still has feelings for you, which can't be helped. But this is your decision - you can't do anything you are not happy with x

but i dont want anyone else... :(

I know you don't at this moment in time, but you will - time is a great healer x

You're really good at helping people! How do you always know what to say?x

I just try my best, put myself in other people's shoes and use my own experiences :) xx
Liked by: simone.✨

CTD basically he has been messing a lot of my friends about and it has really angered me, he never did this to me when we were together. i know he doesnt like me anymore but i dont know how to get over him and forget about him... :(

The best thing to do is to get out and socialise with your friends, enjoy your life at the moment, concentrate on your education, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get into relationships in the future and I know it will be hard getting over him but you CAN do it if you really want to. :) why not meet another male friend and see how that goes? You may end up liking someone else and that's another way to get over him :) x

my ex is obsessed with me? what should i do? i have blocked all contact but he is always telling others how much he loves me and he even got a tattoo about me - I can't go back with him after what happened but i still care. I have told him so many times. he won't move on?

If you still care about him, and want to be friends - you have to make it clear to him ... "I care about you and am willing to be friends with you, but nothing more. Take it or leave it. I'm sorry, but I'm not going back out with you." And tell him to start socialising with other girls and hopefully he will move on. If you don't want to be friends with him, then you are just going to have to put yourself first in this because it's not your fault he feels this way x

I don't know because I had a fallout with her a month ago but we sorted it and we were fine but another friend said I was being two faced about people and I don't know what I did:/ it just upsets me that one of my best friends would rub it in my face!

I see :/ The only thing you can really do, is speak to her and ask her why shes doing it.. be straight with her.. it's the best way! xx

bad for us i guess, hes just had ebough of everything going wrong for us x

How about you sit down and have a talk with him - He is an adult so he is able to put his opinion across and be listened to. You could even take it to court xx

A guy has been a player, pissed about me and my friends, breaking several hearts, should we get revenge on him or not? we have confronted him about what he had done and doesn't seem to care and girls are still falling for his lovely fake persona. what should we do? xxx

I know exactly how you feel - A guy I know is like that. He got my friend wrapped round his little finger, pretending to be all caring, when he was actually talking to over 50 other girls on the internet asking for sex, and cheating on her. I then told my next friend who he was seeing the same thing, but she didn't believe me until it was too late - now, she regrets not listening to me. This has happened with 3 of my friends, and they didn't listen - but now they see straight through him - although now he's just doing the same with other girls as he did to them. First of all, I was so angry and wanted revenge... but it was just making me angry and upset and stressed out as I racked my brain to think of things!
In the end, I had to accept what has been done has been done - and I can't change that. All you can do is warn the next people what he is like, and if they choose not to listen to you, then unfortunately that is there choice. Revenge is never the answer to anything in my mind... because you don't want to lower yourself down to his level, and if you try and get revenge, he will be satisfied with the fact he knows its got to you all. You need to show him you and your friends are getting on with your lives, you're going to be successful, happy people with new relationships. Then, when he see's that - he will think about what he's done and realise you are all happy now whilst he's lonely and on his own. People like him never change! They'll always be a player and won't ever grow up and be able to stay in a relationship. Trust me, karma will come back and bite him when you least expect it - so just do what makes you happy and then watch karma do it's thing xx

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they stop me seeing her now and then, i was supposed to be seeing her tommorow and they stopped it, and for the next couple of weeks for no reason:/ x

Do they give a reason as to why they have? How old are you?x

Do you think the teachers will see it that way though?x

No, the teacher's will hopefully take it seriously. They may give her a warning and talk to her, and if she does it again she could even be suspended x


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