
Help and Advice on any issue

Ask @StayStrong107

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I ate my dinner about half an hour ago but ive had really really bad pains since, this happens often though, some people say it could be heart burn but i dont think it is its like a bit above my belly button, inbetween the 2 ribs, wat could this be or wat can i do rn literally crying in agony xx

Hey sorry you're having this pain! I suggest you speak to your doctor immediately. Just ring the out of hours doctors and speak to your mum/dad or whoever lives with you. It probably isn't serious so don't panic yourself - but to be on the safe side xx

No just fighting with someone you don't like at school, I need tips

I am not giving you tips on how to physically fight someone from one at school. I think it's terrible how people are fighting these days etc! Whatever the problem, you do not need to fight over it! If you're being bullied or someone is wanting to fight you - THINK - Do you want to get yourself in trouble? Do you want to lower yourself down to their level? No. You're better than that. So if someone at school is wanting you to fight with them - stand up for what you believe in. Don't get violent. Report them

your so pretty! your eyes are so beautiful! thanks for everything!! :) xxx<3xxx

Aww bless you! Thank you :)! And you're more than welcome! Always here xxxxx

u shouldnt say help or advice on ANY issue then....

It's not an issue though is it? It's not a 'problem' if you like. It's not affecting you.
Maybe if you weren't so rude I would have but no

thats not very good advice... what am i supposed to do at 5 in the morning?

Well I wasn't to know it was 5 in the morning was I? It's 11:00 where I am. And I answer questions which are important, not people telling me they're bored - then saying it's not very good advice. Goodbye :)

how do you find out if a boy fancy's you?

* If he wants to talk to you all the time.
* If he was acting like you're his friend but stopped doing embarrassing things in front of you,
* If you turn around and you catch him looking at you.
* If he starts acting nicer when you're around him.
* If he says "yes" to all the things you ask him to do.
* If he treats you differently than others.
* If he tries to sit next to yo in clas
* If he looks at you a lot every time you smile or laugh.
* If you catch him sneaking a glance at you and he quickly turns away when he realizes that you saw him,and you see him blush.
* If he acts immaturely around you, like poking, teasing or playful flirting.
* If he seems to always want to hang out with you.
* If he gets closer with a body part, or if he tries to touch you (e.g. when you touch him he might touch you back).
* If you catch him peeking at you and he smiles turn around slowly and smile back playfully
* If he tries to make you laugh.
* If he tries to copy you.
* If he tries to keep you in view for as long as possible or tends to look around and stop when he finds you.
* If he subtly looks at you but makes it look like he is looking at the girl next to him.
* If he's immature he will act different around you, quiet and maybe even try to avoid you. Or, he'll act different around you than when he's just with his friends.
* If he constantly calls you and uses an excuse -such as What was the homework?
* If he goes out of his way to talk to you (e.g. if he goes to the other side of your school to talk to you because he knows you have a class there).
* If you see him staring at something by turning his head 90 degrees and when you look at him he smiles and turns away, when this happens, check his pupils, he might have actually been staring at you.
* If he invites you to a party.
* If you flirt with a friend of his when he can see, and he looks jealous or automatically flirts back, (but don't flirt with them just to find out if he likes you).
* If he talks to you and wants to know how you're doing.
* If he is nicer or tries to talk to your friends.
* If he asks about you to your friends when you're not around.
* If he asks you to dance with him at the dance. Note: He may be trying to be nice because he thinks you like him.
* If he walks past you and tries to look cool so you can glance at him.
* If a guy tries to show you things he got that are somewhat expensive (e.g. a cellphone) or he tries to impress you.
* If you notice when he gets out of class and starts to walk a little slower than usual, then he's trying to give you the opportunity to talk to him!
* If he always talks to you there's a great chance that he likes you.
* If he feels so awful letting you down that he lies.
* If he would do anything to spend more time talking to you (e.g. if he talks/texts/IM's you until midnight).
* If you realize that he ignores you when you're looking but when you look out of the corner of your eye, he turns back around to look back at you

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ok i told him that i love him and that i have feelings to wards him but to afraid to tell him in case he rejects me or some thing but he said he wont he said will be like friends

That's really good that he's been okay about it, and he's given you the chance to tell him how you're feeling without getting immature and also telling his friends. Unfortunately he said stay friends, but try and turn that into a positive :) he obviously thinks of you as such a great friend he doesn't want to ruin that friendship and take that chance. Xx

Im a girl, bi, and im in love with my BFF, who is also a girl. She knows i like her and she doesnt treat me any different but i wanna get over her because i know im just gonna end up hurt... </3

Hey :) I understand you have feelings for your friend. Why do you feel you're going to end up getting hurt? I'm wondering... Is she bi sexual too?
If not, I understand it's going to be difficult for you to get over her, especially if you're great friends too and see eachother everyday. Think of the positives though - she still doesn't treat you any different after you've told her so that's a great friendship! :)
Try and concentrate on someone else you like etc and your feelings will slowly disappear for her.. But it will take time. It won't happen over night. Distract yourself from her as much as you can.
also hope this link may be useful:


Hey I'm so, so sorry you've had to go through this/still are going through this. I understand you're self harming because of many reasons - depression, having your brother in prison and what happened with your nan. I know and believe you are not self harming for attention. People who tell you you're doing it for attention, just don't understand. They don't understand what you've got to deal with or how you're feeling. They lack understanding and knowledge of it because they haven't been through it themselves.
Firstly - I understand that when you get diagnosed with depression it can be a extremely tough time. You feel alone even if you're in a room full of people, you feel trapped and like there's no way out. I know how you feel, and I understand. Did the doctor give you any advice either medication (if you're over 17) OR councelling?
It must be really hard having your brother in prison and not being able to see him. I'm not sure if you're missing him or angry at the fact he's in prison? But either way I know it's a hard time for you. Do you go and visit him? Speaking to someone about your feelings will help lots, just getting things off your chest will be a lot healthier than bottling it up. Do you have anybody to speak to? E.g a councillor, parent, relative, friend? If you don't feel able to speak to anyone I'm always here for you to speak to :) my Kik details are on my profile and so is my Facebook.
It's going to be hard dealing with your feelings and emotions about your nan when she was obviously a big part of your life. I know it's so unbelievably hard but try and remember all the good things your nan did and all the positive memories you had of eachother. After all... She wouldn't want to see you crying and upset because that would make her upset.
I'm wondering if you've thought of any coping mechanisms for your self harming? Or if you have used any of them? I have lots of ideas for coping mechanisms so just inbox me back and ill explain them :) xxx

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Liked by: Charlie byrne

heeeyy, i have sort of bulimia i guess, i do it since about 3 months now and i cant stop it anymore :s but the weird thing is that i'm not losing any weight and therefor i do it more and more and i just cant stop it, do you have some tips for me how i can stop? i feel so bad xoxo

Hey :) sorry you're having this problem. Having Bulimia does not make you lose weight, you're right. But what it does do is it can give you life threatening medical conditions, this is why it is so important to try and get the right help in order to recover. I'm wondering.... Have you spoken to anyone about this? A family member, friend, councillor? I'm only saying this because bottling up your feelings can leave you feeling worse. If you don't feel able to speak to anybody, you can always speak to me. My kik details and Facebook are on my profile. My advice to you is to go and see a doctor. I know you may feel nervous about this, but it's for the best. They'll put you in contact with the right services which can help you. Here is a link I think would be useful to look at:
Also this.... Xxx

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What's the matter! My phone's broken but can you mail me on facebook please? I know you know who this is, please just tell me hun xxxxxxxxxxx

Okay xxxxx
Liked by: Millie Rees

I hope you can follow me on here and I can follow you <3

Well I don't know who you are but okay :)

I was just super down tonight and was venting and cut my arm up really badly.... Nobody knows that I cut, and I don't want anyone to find out... What should I do?

Hey :) I'm really sorry you're having this problem. First of all - does anybody know at all? I know you have said you don't want anybody to find out - but have you got any support from anyone? If not I want you to know I'm always here for you and you can talk to me on Facebook, here, or Kik. Don't ever feel like you're alone okay?
Have you thought of any coping mechanisms which may help you to replace them instead of self harm? It's really important that you don't bottle up your feelings, else you'll only get more down and you don't want that xx


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