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some of it is my fault though... i didnt have to get close to him i coulld of back off at the first sign, i cant let him take all of the blame :( would he have to move house becuase he lives close to me?? :( x

He is an adult, and he is a professional. The law states that. He has broken the law. He has gone out with a minor and had sexual intercourse with a student. It's not right. And it's not your fault. I can't stop you blaming yourself - I can only try and make you realise what he's done is wrong and it was HIS decision. Not yours. Even if you said you loved him and you wanted him.. He still should have said no, being the adult and professional. He knew the risk he was taking from the beginning. And no he wouldn't have to move house, not that I am aware of. But there may be a restraining order xx

do you like jedward?!!? <3

Haven't really thought about it! I don't dislike them but I haven't really listened to their music! Why? :) xx

(liking good guy friend) I understand what you are saying but i'm kind of nervous that he will laugh at me, and plus school is finished next tuesday and I wouldn't see him until september when school starts again xx you are great at giving advice by the way :)

I understand. How about saying it through text? I know it's not the best way but it's better than saying it face to face if you're going to feel nervous and uncomfortable? And if you two spoke through text and it went okay.. why not ask to meet up in the summer holidays? :)
and aw thank you!xx

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i know its the right thing to do... its so hard i love him :( :/ he was nearly crying at school today :'( i still cant help but blame myself! because i know if i didnt say yes he wouldnt of been in this mess! :( xx

It's NOT your fault! And he was only crying because he's thinking of himself, he doesn't want to get into trouble! He is not thinking of YOU and how it's made YOU feel. You THINK he;s thinking of you but he;'s not. I'm sorry that sounds harsh but it's the truth of what these kinds of people are like. xxx

2) what this will do to my family hand my job, i will loose it all! i'll also loose you :'( when i kissed you today i could feel you wanted to kiss back! ;) please dont tell!!??? that way we can saty together in secret?!? i can tell its waht you want :( <3<3<3xxxxxxxxxxx:*xxx" xx

DON'T fall for it. He's only thinking of himself. He doesn't want anybody to find out because HE KNOWS what he's done is wrong. Please, please do not fall for it. You need to not reply.. and save those messages. Go to the police tomorrow - you have even more evidence then? xx

I really like this boy, but we're best friends. I told him how I felt a few months ago but he just said he didn't want to ruin our friendship :( what can I do?

He obviously values your friendship ALOT and doesn't want to chance losing you if you were to get into a relationship! If you are still feeling the way you did towards him a while back, you need to say. Life's too short for regrets! Tell him how you feel :) You never know, he may feel the same way back!xx

1) he said "please babe this will ruin us both, i love you and i know you love me too:) you knew what you were getting yourself into, you didnt think it was wrong at the time so why do you now?! <3 please baby girl i love you and i really need you to understand

Okay.. don't reply to him. You have the texts now okay? Ignore him, screen shot the texts so if they did get deleted you have the pictures. xx

ok ...would he get sent down? :(

I can't say for sure.. that's their decision. But don't change your mind whatever happens. Has he replied to your message?xx

what if hes right and they dont believe me?

The police HAVE to believe you. They have a duty of care to you xx

I know this might sound a bit weird but I'm 15 and always too horny. I'm a girl by the way and all I can ever think about is sex and it's sort of taking over my mind :S

Hi :) It doesn't sound weird at all, don't worry! It's natural to go through this phase.. everybody does.. even if they may not admit it. It's a way of growing and developing and your hormones are all over the place! Don't worry yourself too much, it's natural :) xx

i dont know what to say to the police... i only have one picture but its a kinda awkward one.. and i will text him now... x

Just tell them exactly what you've told me. Just say to them what he's done, how he tried to kiss you etc and tell you no one would believe you, tell them you felt it wasn't right but he tried to get you to stay with him by manipulating you and saying no one would believe you if you told them. How about note down bullet points of what hes said and done to you and how you feel? It'll be easier when you speak to them? and It's okay.. whatever picture is fine.. No matter how embarrassing etc it is. And yeah text him and see what his response is xx
Liked by: Dominika.

3) would believe him over me... x

He;s only saying that to scare you out of reporting him! He's a coward, trust me. He's begging a 15 year old girl not to tell one him! You need to show him whos boss! Trust me, the police WILL believe you xxx

2) of him, but he wasnt going to let it drop i had to hide my true feelins for him, he tried to kiss me, then another teacher came in after and i went on my phone, he took it off me and deleted all of the massages and most of the pictures; when the other teacher eft he was saying how they would

If he tried to kiss you and you did not want that - like I said, that's serious. You need to report that too. The sooner you go to the police, the sooner this stops and you can start to move on.

1) i couldnt report him today :/ i got sent out of my class for "disterbing the class" so had to go to another room with what ever teacher was on duty; and it was him. he was normal at first but then he shut the door and tryed to tal me out of it, i told him no matter what he says i was going to tel

I'm so sorry this has happened. you NEED to report it asap else things will only get worse from here onwards. You need to understand that. If he tried to kiss you and you didn't want it, that is serious too. You need to go to the police, do you understand?
You may not have the messages because he's deleted them but you can still report him. Do you have any messages on facebook? Any emails?
Or pictures saved on your laptop?
Try and start up another conversation through text now.. just text him something saying "I'm sorry I've got to tell someone, what you did was wrong.. and I can't believe you tried to kiss me in school today" and hopefully he will reply which will give evidence. Then, keep those texts and do NOT let him deleted them

I think I'm in love with one of my closest lad friends, but, everyone wants me to get with this other boy who i don't like and I'm stuck in the middle. I don't want to hurt the other guys feelings but I'm too nervous to tell my best mate i like him more than a friend:L

Hey :) Sorry you're having this problem! First things first do NOT do what everyone says to do! Don't go out with a person who you don't have feelings for because it's not fair on you OR him! You have to do it for you! If you really like your guy bestfriend - you've got to tell him, because you'll only regret it in the future if he gets a girlfriend and you didn't say anything! I know you're nervous etc.. but you don't have to do it face to face (although it's probably better) ... you could say it through text etc? Just tell him how you truely feel.. he probably wants you to make the first move because he's too nervous too! xx
Liked by: simone.✨

Aww thank you, very good advise that defiantly taking on aboard. Shall defo voice my concerns with him, gonna have to tighten the leach a bit hehe :-) thank you again! Xx

Aw, bless you! :) You're more than welcome!
Yeah I think it would be a great idea. That's okay!xxx

i told like the closest friend over text so should i bring it up again in person or leave it?xx

If you feel they've not really supported you or spoken to you about it etc, you should definatly bring it up again :) In person may be better because you can have a proper conversation and it can be more meaningful as you can see their facial expressions and how much they care and understand xx

thank you for helping :) i think it's amazing what you do, so keep doing it! i'm sure you've helped many people

You're more than welcome. Always here if you need me. xxx

i need some friendly advise on this, my boyfriend reassures me that im the only girl for him however i find him snooping on my phone as if he doesn't trust me ect, but also i find him talking to girls who are stunning....i have been cheated on in every relationship so far i dont want it reoccuring

Hey :) Of course - I'll try my best. My advice to you is to speak to him and try and be as open as much as you can. You need to make it clear to him he can't be looking at your phone and not trusting you because a relationship is built on trust.. without it, there is nothing. You need to also voice your concerns to him about him being flirty etc with other girls. I'm sorry you've been cheated on in every relationship - maybe it's because you're so kind they think they can take advantage? Kindness is a great quality.. so don't change that! But try and be more stern with boys - make them aware you're not stupid and you WILL find out if they've done anything xx

I'm due to give birth to my baby girl any day now but still haven't decided on a name! Any suggestions? I'd like something different and unusual x

Hey! :) Aw bless you, it's always hard deciding i'm sure! Personally, I love the name Imogen! Not sure about you :) Let me think... Ava, Lacey, Paige, Faith, Niamh (pronounced neeve), Amelie, Martha, Sofia, Alicia, Esme, Eloise, Lillie, Lottie, Robyn, Kacey, Alana, India, Maddie, Ella, Ciara, Sydney, :) I can only think of these so far! xxx
Liked by: Ella

i told some friends but they dont take it serious, we are a bit to busy with helping one of our friends with her anorexia, when she's doing better i'll maybe i'll tell someone that it's serious. thank you so much xx

I understand you're concerned about your friend and its admirable you're helping her.. but at the same time you NEED to think of yourself! This is coming from experience - I was helping a girl so much when I was 14/15 and I forgot to look after myself and became really ill. You need to concentrate on yourself aswell and speak to someone about it else you'll just go downhill from now! xx

i just did a test on the internet to find out if i'm really depressed. i got a very high score and it said: " You have the symptoms of severe depression." What should i do now?

Hey :) I'm sorry you're having symptoms of depression. I would strongly advise you to book a doctors appointment and speak to them about it. They are medically trained to diagnose you with depression. Hope this helps. Have you told anyone and are you getting support from anyone?xx

i don't know what to say to my friends though like they have seen them on my arm but most of the times i cover them up, I don't want them thinking I'm attention seeking or anything xx

I understand. Is there a friend you particularly trust more than the others? You could meet up with him/her and speak to them about how you feel and why you do it. If they're your true friends they'll understand and support you and not think you're attention seeking? xx

I've mentioned a couple months ago about my best friend and I liking each other but both too afraid to do anything i'm just kinda wondering what to do. I cannot ask him out (personal reasons) and I find entirely changing myself for a guy is not worth it considering he's a great friend of mine

Hey :) Sorry you're still having this problem!
If you're both too worried to ask eachother out etc.. why not do it through text if you have to? It's better than nothing I guess.. because you'll only regret it else. Sometimes you have to try and pluck up the courage.. then after the hard bit has passed.. you'll be happy! :)
How do you feel about doing it through text or facebook etc?
and never change yourself for anyone! You are who you are - be proud of that and NEVER change it! xx


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