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it's not deep, just enough to bleed a little. lots of people know I do it because my so called bestfriend told everyone. my family doesn't know, only my friends mum. I'm not obsessed or addicted, I have control I just don't really know how else to cope x

I'm sorry you feel like this, it's not nice I know. There are many ways to cope without hurting yourself - have you tried any coping mechanisms at all?xx

I've just poured my heart out to the guy i like and he basically turned around and said it's never gonna happen, I honestly don't know what the fuck to do, he was acting like he liked me, please help?? And if this doesn't go on anon please don't answer it..

Hey! I'm sorry you're going through this. It's not nice, but you will get through it, trust me. My personal advice to you, is that he is not worth it. You deserve someone who won't lead you on and someone who's feeling won't change over night because they're confused or too scared to commit themselves to a relationship! If you poured your heart out to him.. And he sat there and listened ... And you trusted him.. He shouldn't have said that, especially because you've put your trust in him and confided in him. Don't ever feel alone or like you have no one to speak to though :) I'm always here. The right guy will come along - it obviously wasn't meant to be! You'll be surprised at who may come around the corner! xx

I just cut my wrist. I put a band aid on it and a little bitof the sticky part is on the cut. what happens when I take it off? will the cut get worse or do I just slowly rip it off or no? xx

I cannot answer this question accurately - because I have not seen how deep the cut is, and to what extent etc the plaster is on it. Just leave it on there and maybe in a few days when you're in the shower it'll become easier to get off and softer. Just put a bit of soap on it and it should peel off fine. Just make sure your cuts do not get infected - if you have aloe Vera gel (of purchase some) put that on it. If you notice them infected etc, go straight to your doctor okay?
I'm very concerned about you self harming though. Have you spoken to anyone about this? A parent, friend, trusted adult or councellor etc? If you don't feel about to speak to anyone face to face I am always here and you can add me on Facebook or kik and ill help you as much as I can. Xx

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how do you know if you ave anger issuse? xx

Hi :) here are a few links which you should take a look at - they may be some help :)
^ the link about explains tips of how to control your anger and the symptoms of an anger problem.
^ the link above is a quiz/series of questions to see if you have an anger problem (this is only a guess not proper medical advice though) if you are really concerned you must visit your doctor. They'll speak through coping mechanisms and put you in contact with the right people. I hope this helps a little bit. Feel free to come back for more advice or support :) xx


adviceforteenXx’s Profile PhotoKelly Reisss
Sorry, I'm only one person and answer questions on here... So I can't so both accounts x

How many times a day do you visit Ask.fm?

When I get notifications I always check and reply when I can. X

Awh we didnt fall out :S& later on in the night we were talking& he was going on how i'm going to meet the right boy ect:( & things :( & he knows i still have feelings& he told me it was my fault we broke up, it's cause he fucked up:(& then later on in the night things happend :/ (if you get me)

Oh I see... So it sounds to me you still have feelings for him, but he's telling you you'll find the right guy in time, hinting that it's not going to be him?
You need to speak to him and tell him how you feel, for your own sake. He may know you have a few feelings for him, but he might not know how serious you are about them. If you like him you can't keep it bottled up - although don't let yourself get hurt by him if he's blaming you for breaking up if it wasn't your fault. xxx

You guess who it is anyway :) xxx

Of course I did! Haha :) And I tried adding you but I can't find you? xxx

it must show he cares for me and I mean a lot cos were not even going out and he's like this, he always accepts his mistakes sometime later and apologises with a long paragraph but he isn't controlling one bit, but were still fell out at the moment and not talking but wanna be friends:( xxx

*answered in the first question* xxxx

Right so light night,I was home& him& my two other friends were drinking& asked me to stay over so, i went there& when my two other friends went out the room, he was messing around trying to get the drink off me&then he bit my neck& then thoughout the night we tease eachother with kisses& stuff

Okay, I understand. Aslong as he's not controlling at all, that's the main thing :) Just look after yourself. And I see... what made you two fall out? Yes, he must like you if you were kissing eachother etc. :) Of course you want to be friends with him if you care about him.. but I can't say how to make up if I don't know why you fell out? xxx

Okay i got a problem :( its me from the other night i was on about my ex that i was for like 3 years& i wanna tell him i miss him, well i got a problem :( xxx

Hey! It's okay, ask away :) I'll do my best xx

Thanks grace xx

You're more than welcome! Keep your head up sweet. Just remember 'those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind' xx

cos we've been close for ages and we fall out but he always apologises but it's over the smallest things so I think he gets jealous?:// but we like eachother and that:) thankyou for being there xxxxx

It's good that you like eachother etc, but don't put yourself in a situation where he is constantly jealous - because this may lead to him wanting to control who you go out with, who you see and text etc. Just make sure you tell him if he loves you, he must trust you.. as a relationship is built on trust... :) He must stop being so jealous. Although jealousy is kind of bad, a small part of it is good - because it shows he cares :) And you're welcome. :) xxx

How do I accept I'm bi sexual?

Hey! I know at first it may seem overwhelming and you may have questions such as "what do I say to my parents, friends, family, etc? What will they think? Is this just a phase etc?" but millions of people across the world identify as being bisexual, and consider it a natural, fulfilling part of their lives. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to understand that what they identify with is an acceptable part of themselves. Here are some basic ideas to consider should you ever feel conflicted about your bisexuality. These will hopefully encourage you to celebrate the magnificent individual you are. :)
Determine your feelings toward bisexuality in general. Is it something you may have been morally opposed to? Were you previously accepting of bisexuality, but never imagined that you would fall into that category? Knowing where you stand will give you the benefit of further understanding why you believe you could be bisexual.
Think of people you know that identify as being a bisexual. Evaluate how you perceive they are affected by their bisexuality, and how it reflects on their lifestyle. If someone you are close with is bisexual, this will greatly help you to understand that being a bisexual does not automatically ostracize you. There are many reasons why you might appreciate this person and their bisexuality is only a single factor.
MOST OF ALL - Do not be afraid of what others will think of you. Regardless of what someone thinks of your bisexuality, their opinion alone is not enough to change that aspect of you. Trying to suppress your sexuality for someone else's peace of mind only impairs your ability to respect that you are open to change!
Find your own meaning in it. Your sexuality is a part of you like any other that should be nurtured, explored, and celebrated. It can be justified by something as simple as appreciating the beauty of seeing two women embrace, or as intricate as believing that you are too inspired by human beings to enjoy a relationship with only one sex.
Don't become convinced that there is something "wrong" with you if you are bisexual. If this is an idea you've had previously, you will have to decide which is more important to you: your peace of mind from knowing what's important to you, or letting yourself be controlled by the misconception that you have to fit into someone else's mold! :)
Don't feel pressured to be open about your sexuality until you are ready to be. Even people who fully accept their bisexuality may choose not to publicize it. If you've just recently realized you're a bisexual, you will need time to understand what it means to you as an individual. Don't think that you're lying to yourself or others if you don't discuss your bisexuality as part of an everyday conversation. Most heterosexual individuals do not feel they must divulge their sexuality as a given. Treating your sexuality as an anomaly will only prevent you from fully accepting it! :) xx

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he always normally apologises after a few days anyway, thanks for the advice:) xxx

I hope he does! :) Always here. You're Welcome xx

to get someone who means a lot to forgive and start speaking to you again even though it's not your fault you've fell out, what can you say?

Contact them, tell them how much they mean to you, let them know you miss them, tell them whatever happened you're sorry (even though its not your fault) and maybe in time they'll even apologise to you for what happened.. but for the time being you have to be the better person and make the effort if this person means a lot to you - Ask to meet up.. to discuss a positive way forward. xx
Liked by: courtney stronge

How to ask a girl to hole your hand? And how can I manage jealousy when I see my girlfriend around other people?:/ I've always been a jealous type, but it really gets in the way.

You don't have to 'ask' her as such :) You can just be walking and slowly hold her hand? :)
And I understand you're feeling jealous when your girlfriend is around other people.. but that only shows you care, which is good. What you must be aware of, is don't show your jealousy too much around her else she may get scared and feel like you're 'controlling' who she see's etc and you don't want that. There is no easy way of getting over jealousy! Here are some tips that I hope will help you a bit. :)
1. Build your self-confidence!!! Jealousy is usually an insecurity and low self-worth. You may have fears of being abandoned or rejected by your girlfriend. The best way to build your self-esteem is to act the way that a confident person would act. Make decisions as though you have all of the confidence in the world. Eventually, your feelings will catch up with your actions!
When confident people get abandoned or ridiculed, it doesn't break them. You are good enough!
2. Avoid comparing yourself to other people. Make friends with someone who you think has it all, and you'll discover that even this person has his or her own hidden struggles.Even famous and beautiful celebrities have struggles that you can't see. They may get passed over for movie roles that they want, they may lose a big game or they may struggle with drugs and alcohol. Just because someone looks great on the outside doesn't mean that things are going great on the inside.
Instead of focusing on your shortcomings, think about the positive qualities, skills and character traits that you bring to the table. It all goes back to becoming more confident. You have so many great qualities and physical attributes that no one can take away from you.
3. Have reasonable expectations about how much time someone can devote to you!!
If someone spends a good deal of time with you, and you never feel like it's enough, then you're demanding too much.
Look at yourself..... What's making you so needy that you can't be happy unless this other person is around? Branch out and spend more time with other people, or find an activity that makes you happy. Sometimes, all you need to do is to take better care of yourself instead of focusing all of your energy on someone else.
4. Do the opposite of what a jealous person would do. When you feel jealousy taking over, don't react in a destructive way by making accusations, giving someone the silent treatment or dropping little sarcastic hints. Instead, try to do what a trusting person would do in your place.
If a friend is going to spend time with someone else, for example, recommend a good movie or restaurant.
If the guy or girl you like is talking to someone else, join the conversation in a friendly way.
When someone else gets the job that you want, be nice instead of being sneaky or trying to undermine the other person. Instead, congratulate the person and offer to help them be successful.
(cant fit anymore on.. youll have to inbox me again) x

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What to say to a lad to make him forgive you???

Hey :) I can't answer that properly as I don't know what happened in your relationship/friendship for you two to fall out. If you tell me a bit more I will be able to give some better, more accurate advice xx

(2) understand me. i can never think of anything to say, not even to my family or close friends. this has made me loose contact with one of my close friends, she thinks i hate her because im always quite when im with her but she thinks she understands me but she clearly doesnt, i dont no what2do :'(

*answered in the first question * xxxx

(1)this may sound stupid but here goes- i find it really hard to talk to people not just about my propblems but everything in general. Most of my friends are always asking why im so quiet and why i dont talk much; i tell them i find it hard to talk to people but they think im stupid and they dont-

Hey, I'm really sorry you're feeling like this. You sound like you're fed up which I don't blame you. I understand you're shy and quiet around friends and even family, but don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault you feel like this! If they're your true friends, they'll understand and be there for you and try to help get your confidence back up so you feel able to speak! :) Don't worry about them not understanding you, it's probably because they haven't gone through it so they don't know what it's like.. speak to people who will understand and are willing to listen. Surround yourself with positive people. :) If you need to speak to me, my facebook and Kik is on my profile. Don't even feel like you're alone.
I'm wondering...have you spoken to your parent/guardian about how you're feeling? It may be a bit of anxiety or something? xx

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if a lad you proper like keeps being moody and you argue, but your tranna get onit, what do you do? Xxx

I would say he's not worth it - if you two are arguing and he's being moody then you should have some space from each other for a bit. If it's meant to be, it'll happen - if it's not - it was never meant to be. Xx


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