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Ask @StayStrong107

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I'm the person who asked for advice about getting a guy back, thank you for trying. We split because he decided things were awkward between us, this was out of the blue and no one saw it coming. He thought about working things out then decided he didn't want to bother.

You're welcome, sorry I haven't been as much help as I would have liked to of been!
I see... I know someone who had a relationship which ended like this. It's not nice, I know. But think positive now.. things can only get better! Did he say why he felt like things got awkward? Because if you know why he thought they were.. maybe you two could work through it and change what made him feel like things were getting awkward? Maybe he thought of giving up with trying because it would be too hard or take too much effort.. so backed out. You need to show him he needs to make the effort! :) xx

There's this guy, who 'likes' me and we're soo close, he's like my brother. And one of his mates has asked me out, who I kinda like, but I've been out with him before. I've talked to my friend about it and he says it's up to me, but he told my friend that he would hate it. Advice?

Hello :)
I understand he likes you, but the question is... do you like him back? I hear you feel he's like a brother to you though. And I see - so you've been out with him before... Did it end well and can you see yourself back in a relationship with him? My advice to you.. is that it's entirely up to you. The balls in your court now. If you both like eachother - don't let anyone stop you from being happy. You deserve to be happy with someone you love and just because someone else doesn't really like or agree with it, shouldnt make you feel bad or stop you from going out with eachother. You have to weigh up the pros and cons of being back in a relationship with him, just for your own benefit :) If he's like your brother.. i'm sure he would understand?xx

I'm still in love with my ex but i wish things could change :(

I'm sorry you're feeling upset, would you like to tell me a bit more about this so I can be more helpful? Are you saying you would like to get back with your ex or are you saying you want to get over him?xx

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Any advice on how to get a guy back, i really freaking miss him :'(

Sorry for the late reply.. I tried to get on ask.fm but there was technical difficulties apparently. It's hard for me to answer this because I do not know your situation or what has happened for you two to no longer be together... but here goes :)
Getting Communication Back On Track!
If you want him to really listen to you, then starting a conversation with him on a fun, positive note sets the stage for a positive interaction. It sounds like common sense, but I'm sure you can think of a couple of times where this hasn't happened in your relationship?
To get yourself in the right frame of mind, think about what you appreciate in this guy. There has to be something you appreciate about him if you're thinking about having a future with him...
If the man you were dating pulled away after you said or did something, you need to remember that this man liked you and was attracted to you for some reason, and as much as it might seem like his feelings have changed forever towards you, there’s something you should realise: A man’s feelings can change very quickly, whether you want them to or not.
If you told me a bit more about why your relationship ended, I would probably be able to help a bit more :) xx

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he keeps saying he wouldn't go out with me even though we keep cuddling and stuff and talking about how we don't want to get hurt and relationship's but he says he doesn't want to go out with me to other people not me..?help!

It sounds to me as if he's giving you mixed messages which isn't very helpful!
You obviously like each other, but it seems to me as if he's trying to get your reassurance that he's not going to get hurt before he actually enters into a relationship with you? You don't want to get hurt either, so you need to tell him too. How do you feel about asking him where you stand once and for all? Just tell him how much you like and care about him, but at the same time you can't wait around forever and just keep receiving these mixed messages?xx

All if my friends abandon me, talk about me, call me names and use me as a second option. It hurts me a lot, but that's not the worst part. Then they start arguments with me saying how I'm not a good friend, I'm never there, they know I hate them, even though I don't. What should I do?:(

Hey. I'm really sorry you're going through this and feel like this. Lots of people go through this at some stage in their lives. Sounds to me as if you need a new group of friends! Friends do NOT talk about each other behind each others backs, they stick up for each other! Friends do NOT abandon you, use you or keep you as a second option. I'm guessing you're feeling like you don't want to be friends with them anymore, but you'd rather have them than no one? Don't worry, I know many people who have felt like this before and things DO get better when they make new friends. If they're causing arguments and making you feel like rubbish, you have to ask yourself - are they worth keeping as friends? Do I like them more than I dislike them? Are they ever there for me? Do I have fun with them? Do they back-stab me? You have to weigh up the pro's and con's of your friendship and come to a decision. You'll keep feeling let down, upset and lonely if they carry on like this with you.
Why would they say you're not a good friend? They don't sound like they're being very good friends either so that's a bit hypercritical!
I'm wondering... do they know how you feel about how they're treating you? I'm saying this because if you were to speak to them about it - maybe they'd think on it and realise they weren't being good friends after all and things might change? It's worth a go. If you don't hate them, it's worth trying to sort your friendship out if you can - but remember - it's not your fault if they're going to be like this so don't stay friends with people who don't treat you right, because someone will come along and treat you right - then they'll wonder why they didn't treat you like a great friend all this time. I'm here if you want to chat anytime. My KIK is on my profile, aswell as my facebook. :) xx

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I like this one because there's only one person instead of different 'admins,' and normally all the different admins have different advice. I also like it because you're honest and tell people what to do straight up. AND the fact you let people kik you:)

Aww I'm so happy to hear that! :) thank you, it means alot! :) xxx

This is my favourite help page out of them all:).

Aww thank you so much! Can you tell me why? And if there is anything I can improve on? :) xx

Thank you so much, noone said that before x

Well get used to it! Because you should be proud of yourself!! :) xx

im meeting up with a boy tomorrow who i fancy what should i do?

Just totally be yourself :) don't try and impress him by not being yourself - because you want him to like you for the real you, not someone else :)

I need you, I've taken the blade out of my sharpener and I'm scared, I don't trust myself please what do I do?

Hi. I'm so sorry you're feeling this low. I'm here for you, do you want to add me on kik or Facebook and I can talk to you? Put down the blade, we can talk through this. There is a way out, you do not need to hurt yourself x

he doesn't trust me because i flirt

Ah okay, I see. How about you prove to him how you won't flirt? Then, when he sees you're really trying - he'll accept that you don't flirt anymore?

How do I stop myself from laughing? We all sometimes say things that are really funny. That even I laugh at them. It looks bad to laugh at your own jokes.

It's okay to laugh at your own jokes! I do, I know people who do! Not all the time but sometimes! We have to admit we are funny sometimes! :) just try and think of something sad when you tell the joke... So they're laughing whilst you're keeping a straight face!

To be honest idk why he don't trust me what should I do help??

First of all you need to ask him WHY he doesn't trust you - then once you have an answer you can work on it :) actions speak louder than words so when he tells you - prove to him he can trust you :)

Your oarents must be so proud of you love x

They aren't, trust me. Nothing I ever do is good enough. I don't live with them, I was In care because if what my dad did to me - but being In care has made me a stronger, more understanding person :) xxx

i really fancy a boy and he said he wouldn't go out with me because he doesn't have trust in me what should i do

Okay, I see - is there any reason why he doesn't trust you?xx

No, I haven't sent anything. But he might make things up.

He can't make things up without proof :)

- my mum had found out and sent him a message saying that she'll report him if he tries to message me again. But I'm scared he'll spread things around about me. If he does what should I do? I don't think he will, but just incase. I know it was stupid to add him if I didn't know him.

If you don't know him, then he can't really spread anything about you because he won't know anyone you know I'm guessing? :) and what is there to spread about you? Have you sent a picture back to him because he's asked you to?xx

Hey, there's this guy that I have as a friend on Facebook but he's like 23 and I'm 14. He's kinda asked me if I'm a virgin and jut now he sent me a picture and I'm pretty sure he's fully naked in it but I can't see anything, well, you know. I pretended that -

Hey there! It's okay to be worried about this stuff. It can turn serious if pictures are being sent etc. if he is 23/24 and is sending you inappropriate images and asking you if you're a Virgin, you need to block him and report him. If you are under 18 you should report it to the police and at least tell your parents. Don't feel bad that you added him when you didn't know him, we have all done it at some stage and made that mistake. It's okay :)

... I can't talk to them about it because I would just break down crying. I feel like they hate me. Not just because of my weight but they never tell me they love me. That's why I want a boyfriend so much. So someone will say they love me.

Well I Love you! I love you as a person for having the courage to come on here and speak to me about your problems. Many people do love you, even if they don't show it :) I understand what you mean, but a boyfriend won't make everything better :) do you want to talk to me on Facebook or kik?xx

No. No one knows. My mum just makes me feel terrible sometimes. I feel like she's judging me every time she looks at me. I don't feel like she loves me at all anymore. My dad never speaks to me. Even though he has every chance to...

I'm really sorry you're feeling this way. It's not fair that they're making you feel alone and unloved, even if they don't mean it. Have you spoken to anyone about this apart from me?
How do you feel about telling your parents exactly how they're making you feel?xx


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