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Hey :) I started college two days ago and I'm worried that I'm going to fall behind with coursework and revision etc. It takes me ages to do homework and I can never focus when I'm doing revision. Have you got any tips for revising or just college in general? Thanks :) xx

amberpufficorn’s Profile PhotoA M B E R P O S T
Hey :) tip 1) always try and stay ontop of work! Don't worry too much about falling behind though, everyone falls behind at some point! Always speak to your tutor if you feel you're falling behind - they may be able to come up with some sort of plan and targets you can work towards. You could revise by writing things down and sticking them up on your wall - writing then down and decorating it in a colourful, eye-catching way can make you want to look at it more. Writing it down in general also helps you remember it. Try and do as much work at college as possible because you may not feel like doing it when you go home. After revision always reward yourself! Give yourself a treat or something to look forward to. Doing some past papers are always useful too xxx
Liked by: A M B E R P O S T

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I just answered this question? Xxx

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Beth x
Of course it is normal! Is this still bothering you (as this question was asked a month ago)? Xx
Liked by: Beth x

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Hey I know I am answering this late and you may not even be together anymore but if this is still bothering you ask the question again x

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Hello. There is not much you personally can do to help her. She has to want to change it and want to help herself by using different coping mechanisms. She needs to go to the Doctors if she wants to receive proper help, if not she could visit childline or another online site where it provides advice, councelling and support. Xxx

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Hey that's incredible sweet of you to think of someone like that! You sound like such a kind hearted person & should be proud of yourself. Do you have her number or on Facebook? If you didn't feel able to talk to her face to face you could speak to her on Facebook. I don't advise you to try and stop her hurting herself as you will be the one who gets hurt, stressed & ill of you try and stop her. You can advise her to use other coping mechanisms, there are loads online. Why not give her some useful links like calling Samaritans, childline or any other site where it gives support to people who are feeling depressed etc xx

omg grace why have you disconnected your kik? that means i cant' talk to you! you know who this is? it's me, i need to talk to you i knocked myself out:(x

I haven't, I haven't been on ask, Facebook or kik etc for a couple of weeks due to some events xx

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Why not ask to book a time you can both chat? That way you know you have the time to speak to him and you both won't be busy :) xx

I'm feeling left out! I feel like absolutely no one notices me! At school! At church! Anywhere! HELP ME

Hey! Sorry you're feeling like this, it's not nice to feel like you're not being noticed and being left out. I'm wondering, do you feel sad in yourself because of various reasons and that's why you're feeling unnoticed like you're alone?
If you go to church & are a Christian, as am I, I'm wondering if you could speak to someone at your church - like your pastor or a friend about how you're feeling? They're going to understand and support how you feel so it's worth a try. How do you feel about that?
Are you able to speak to your family about this? If not, a trusted adult? Don't bottle up your feelings because it'll only get worse & you'll feel much more upset about it. I'm always here to talk if you need to xx

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Hey! I'm so sorry this has happened - you did not deserve that. Your father is obviously ignorant. I'm guessing you're feeling he hates you because of your sexuality? Well let me tell you this - spend time with the people who lift you up - not bring you down! I know it can be hard when you're relationship with your parent isn't great, but this is not your doing. This is your dads own problem, not yours. By all means, if you want to have a good relationship with him, you could be the better person and speak to him about it, but if he's going to be ignorant and narrow minded about your sexuality then unfortunately only he can change that. You could sit down with him and have a chat and hell him exactly how you feel about everything and especially him being unsupportive! Or if you didn't want to speak to him face to face you could write him a letter and he would read that & contact you. I'm wondering, are you able to speak to your mum/a friend/another relative/councillor or someone you trust about how you're feeling? Because you should never bottle your feelings up! I'm always here if you need a chat. You can either speak to me on here if you prefer to stay anonymous or you can add my Facebook or kik which the details are on my profile x

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I like this guy, he's one of my best friends, sometimes I think he likes me to but others I don't know, how can I know for sure?x

Hey :) I understand you like him and think he likes you too. Why not get closer e.g. watch a film together, go out for a walk and spend more time with eachother - then he may even tell you? xx


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