
Help and Advice on any issue

Ask @StayStrong107

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i have met him he goes my college but like we dont really talk much at school (weve been going out for like 3 day or something?

If he isn't making the effort to spend time with you - how do you feel about staying with him if you're never seeing each other? X

Both my parents died when I was 5 in a car crash and I cut myself off so I have no friends

I'm really sorry to hear that. You must be such a strong person. I admire you! And your friends stopped being friends with you because you self harmed? Well that just tells you they weren't worth it in the first place! Who do you live with? Could you speak to then about how you feel? And I care, so you've got 1 person at least :) xx

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well I don't have anyone to love me

Of course you do! You're parents love you, even if they don't show it! Your friends? Relatives?xx

I need help, my bestfriend wants to die and she tool some tablets the other day and she took some again today and i dont know what to do or say to her to try and help

Sorry you're having to cope with this aswell- it must be a lot of stress on you too. All you can do is take her to the doctors, tell her parents and tell the teachers at your school. She needs professional help xx

I don't know why I should live.

Im sorry you're feeling so low. There are many reasons as to why you should live! What has made you feel so depressed?xx

so im going out with this guy called harvey and we dont know eachother amazingly well but he seems to be really nice. anyway we always talk on facebook and are quite flirty and stuff but tonight he put no kisses and one word answers and stuff!?:/

Okay - first of all have you met him in person or just on Facebook?

Everything stresses me out school exams people general people that just piss me of, when people rush me and don't listen to me. Basically humans

Aww, it's understandable little things can get to you when you're stressed. How long have you felt like this for?

Well I have the girl i like, but I'm really close to one of her freinds ( who iv known longer ) and I'm scared if I ask that girl out Il upset my freind xxxx

Do what you feel is best - you can't mis opportunities because you think someone will get jealous or upset. Surely if she's your friend she will understand you're still close to her but have a girlfriend too? Xxx

I like this guy and I think he likes me, but he keeps giving me mixed signals, his parents know mine and he's four months younger than me. What do I do? Is it gross if I like even though his four months younger? Do I confront him?

Of course you confront him! :) and 4 months is nothing, trust me :)

She just says that i am over reacting and being stupid.. I think she'd hate me if i was because i don't agree with abortions so i'd keep it.. xxx

I know what you mean. But at the end of the day it is your decision to keep it, so please don't be forced or pushed into doing anything which could ruin your life! Xx

I couldn't talk to a doctor, they kind of freak me out, i'm meant to be going to the hospital because i get really bad pain in my hips and i don't know what to say to them if they ask if i could be pregnant. I've tried talking to one of my friends but it's awkward shes doesn't understand x

They may freak you out and I understand that - but they are trained in these areas and will support you and give you the best advice! How about taking your friend with you? She may understand more then? X

basically i think that i could be pregnant but i'm only 15, i had sex in January and march so would i be able to tell but t i got my period but it wasn't like a normal one.i then read that some people get periods when they are pregnant. I can't talk to anyone about this so i don't know what to do.xx

Okay, I understand you say you can't talk to anyone but you can speak to a doctor. That's my only advice to you because I do not know your current situation or about your irregular periods so I can't give medical professional advice. Do you feel like you could go and speak to a doctor?xx

can i have your number? if i send you a message with anonymous turned off then you ca write your number in a question and i will delete the question? xx

Of course :) xxx

I feel so stressed all the time. And I don't know how to handle it

Sorry you're feeling stressed! I understand it can be a pain, but there are always ways! What sort of things are stressing you out and have you got any coping mechanisms at the moment? Meditation is amazing for relaxing.. I didn't think so until I tried it and it relaxes every part of you and is a great way to de stress!

I don't have any credit..

Okay well ill have to speak to You mainly tomorrow when I have wifi connection but I can speak now too but not as long... Send me your link and ill add you then delete the question x

can I add you on facebook please?

Of course you can. You'll have to come off anon (I don't publicise the question) and then ill inbox you my fb link xx

Ill inbox you my name, don't put it publically can't come off anon as I don't have askfm. But you got to promise that you won't leave me and ignore me because most people that I added either on bbm or skype have either deleted me after talking once or just totally ignored me.

I will speak to you as much as I can. To be honest, I have hardly any Internet at the moment so do you just want my number?

I don't see my concellor untill next week urmm, although my friends are really supportive of me well they are now they didn't used to be before the knew the whole story, now their really worried about me. I'll add you on fb then xx

Okay, of course :) Im not going to publicise it for everyone so ask inbox me and I won't post your name and then ill inbox you my fb link xx

Well i didn't cut then. They weren't really any good anyways. I have no one to speak to though..

I'm glad you didn't cut...
and i'm here for you to speak to as much as you want. A couple of people on ask.fm have added me on facebook because they need extra support and I'm more than happy for you too. Although i'm here, you also need someone to speak to face to face, like a councellor or a friend etc. Can you think of anyone? xx


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