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i dumped my boyfriend because ive been self harming and having suicudal thoughts but now i want him back...how can i get him back

Hey i'm sorry you've ended it with your boyfriend - does he know you're having these thoughts and are self harming? You just need to be straight with him, apologize for ending it with him but it wasn't your fault you felt the need to end it because of the way you're feeling. Just be honest & tell him it was the wrong decision and how you love him etc. If he's a nice person he'll understand and take you back :)xx

I used to self harm and still do if I'm really low but try to not and I've been suicidal for days and I love my boyfriend but I've been thinking about dumping him but I don't want to I love him err what should I do xxx

Hey. I'm really sorry you've been feeling suicidal for days and have been self harming when you're low. Have you spoken to anyone about this? You need as much support as you can get at the moment. Have you tried any different coping mechanisms which don't include hurting yourself?
If you are feeling suicidal, you must tell someone immediately. ANYONE, it doesn't matter who.. as long as someone knows, preferably a trusted adult so they can keep an eye on you to make sure you're okay. I understand you love your boyfriend, but are wanting to end it with him. Maybe you're feeling confused even though you do love him, because it's just not the right time to be in a relationship if you're feeling this low. You need to concentrate on yourself first, get yourself better then think of others etc. Have you visited your doctor? I know it's probably not the thing you wanted to hear, but they can help you a lot. They'll be able to speak to you about your feelings and give you the right advice, and also put you in contact with the people who can help you xx

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if your boyfriend still likes his ex a tiny tiny bit cos he was with her nearly a year, but he likes you loads and like everything's normal what do you do???

Hey :) I understand this is hard for you and not fair because he's going out with you now yet still has a bit of feelings for his ex, it's probably normal if he's been with her for a long period of time. I'm glad he's been honest with you, that is much better than pretending he doesn't like her anymore and lying to you. Have you just got into the relationship recently? Maybe he's not had chance to get over her and that's why he still has these feelings. There are ways your boyfriend can get over her, for example not seeing her anymore, deleting her off any social networking sights and that includes her number. xx

How can I make a girl that likes me, like me more before I ask her out? Do I give her love before we are together like hugs and holding hands etc? Or do I leave her to want to find out more? Just basically how can I make a girl that likes me, like me more PLEASE

Hey :) The answer to this it to be yourself and follow your heart. Do what feels right. Yes, by all means hold her hand and let her know you like her, so it won't come as a shock when you ask her out. Only you can make that decision because only you know how you truely feel :)

I used to have an eating problem and it caused me to stop eating for days I could just eat a chocolate bar and live off that but now ive started eating more I feel really fat and I hate my body but I don't want to stop eating again please help:-)

Hey :) I'm sorry you're having this problem. Does anybody know whats going on for you? A relative, doctor, family member, friend etc? It's really important you speak to someone about this; especially a doctor. They can give you the right medical advice as I am not trained to do that. I understand you're feeling fat again, but I can assure you you're not & not eating is never the answer anyway. Not eating can cause serious illnesses in the body. Just try and eat little and often and think of food as a positive thing, taking care of yourself and to take care of yourself, you need to feed & look after your body xx

I'm 16, 12 stone and I'm 5'6 do u no what my bmi is? (: and would body shape make a difference to how much you weigh?

Hey this is your BMI. It's only slightly over so there's nothing to worry about :) if you're worried then you should make a appointment to speak to your GP xx

I'm 13, 9 stone and don't know my height....about a meter...i dunno...am i over weight/ fat

Hey your BMI is only slightly over so there's morning to worry about :) if you're concerned you can visit your doctor and they can speak to you about the best way forward to put your mind at rest :) xx

advice on getting over someone :(

1. Get over your ex: Cry
Denial doesn’t solve anything. If you need to cry it out, do so. Or maybe you need to head to the gym and find an available punching bag. Be honest about your ever-changing emotions.
2. Get over your ex: Cut off contact
Don’t try to be friends. Don’t still hang out with his buddies. Don’t text him when his favorite song plays on the radio. The easiest and healthiest way to get over someone is to initiate clear boundaries. Defriend him on Facebook, unfollow him on Twitter, and stop getting your nails done with his mom.
“Out of sight” doesn’t necessarily mean “out of mind,” but intentional space can certainly make getting over an ex easier.
3. Get over your ex: Spend time with your friends
Now that he’s out of your life – or she’s out, this article applies to exes of both gender – seek out supportive friends. Fill that time you would spend with the ex with those who love you and want the best for you. Catch up with the people you may have neglected when you were head over heels and distracted. Don’t just retell breakup stories either; let your thoughts become less narcissistic.
4. Get over your ex: Get rid of reminders
Throw out his magazines and toothbrush lying around your house. Don’t ask for your stuff back. Stop cheering for his team. Don’t wear his old shirt to bed. Let yourself mourn and start fresh, with no lingering reminders or memory triggers of what once was. (If you hate ketchup and it’s only in the fridge because he’s addicted to it, toss it.)
5. Get over your ex: Write it down -
Journal. Give your friends’ ears a break — and give your troubled mind an outlet – by journalling your thoughts and feelings. Instead of calling up your ex and leaving him angry voicemail messages, write him a not-to-be-sent letter to help you process your emotions. Reread your words and try to identify what is really bothering you – and what you need from a relationship going forward.
Write a letter to yourself about why the relationship wouldn’t have worked, regardless of who ended it. (Don’t just remember the good times; remember the bad ones, too.)
6. Get over your ex: Stop analyzing and regretting
If you initiated the breakup, don’t let yourself second-guess it. After you’ve talked and journaled about your frustrations, stop analyzing the play-by-play of your relationship. Don’t get stuck in the “would haves” and “should haves,” stop looking for reasons and explanations, and learn to accept the finality of the breakup.
7. Get over your ex: Stay active
Too many days on the couch will only make you start resenting yourself. Don’t let a breakup justify sloth-like behavior.
Hope this helps a bit xx

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No i mean in my dreams i can't say anything or talk in them... I wake up feeling stressed after it

Okay, I understand. You need to speak to your doctor about this and they will be able to give you more information on what you're experiencing, maybe medication to stop it from happening or even some techniques which can stop it all together. How do you feel about that? I understand going to your GP isn't what you want to do really, but it will get sorted then. You can take someone with you if you feel more comfortable :) xx

I'm 15 and I'm 5'5 and like 8.5 stone (i think) would that be a normal weight? /:

It's a normal weight :) xx

I have social anxiety :l

Hey, I'm sorry to hear you've got social anxiety - but there IS help. Have you spoken to anybody about how you're feeling and are you getting any support from professionals aswell as friends/family/relatives?xx

What are all the body shapes you can get on a women and which ones are best??

There are so many body shapes woman can have and they're all the best! Everyone is petty in their unique little ways. :) They're all different - not one is better than the other xx

What would be an normal weight for 5'5 15 year old girl? :s

anything from 7 and a half stone to 10 and a half xx

My boyfriend has Multiple Personality Disorder. Am I right to be fearful of him?

Hey :) Yes, you do have a right to be fearful of him, but not everyone with multiple personality disorders are aggressive/violent etc. Have you noticed his behaviour changing at all when you've been with him? If you're concerned why not speak to a doctor about it & they can give you all the information there is to know about multiple personality disorders and the negetive affects it can have on the person and you xx

this boy that lives on my street stares at me but i dont know him or talk to him why does he stare at me

Hey :) Sorry you're having this problem, it sounds like it's worrying you. I can't answer why he stares at you, how much older is he than you? There could be a few reasons as to why he is staring at you. Maybe he likes you? Maybe he knows you from somewhere, even though you don't know him? If you're concerned or feel uncomfortable with him doing this, you must tell someone you trust, preferably an adult. They can make sure you're safe and not feeling vulnerable :)

I need to stop my girlfriend self harming? Can I do it psychologically? Or something

Hey sorry you're having this problem. I understand you're worried about your girlfriend, but you won't be able to stop her from self harming. The worst thing you can do is say things like "promise me you won't self harm" etc. You need to advise her to go and speak to her doctor and they can look into treatments either medication (if shes 17+) or counselling. A medical professional will be able to give you and your girlfriend the right support and advice. I hope this helps. I know you're trying to look after her, but don't ever forget to think of yourself too. You need someone to talk to aswell :)

I get confused about wether my gf talks to other lads?:/

Hey i'm really sorry you're having these thoughts. What makes you think this? Has she done something in the past which has been similar? xx

Why do people always say having sex comes naturally or having your first kiss comes naturally?

It just does. The more you think about it and get yourself worked up about having sex etc, that's when it'll be awkward because you'll get so stressed out about it you'll lose it!xx

I'm 14 5'7 and 11/12 stone, am I over weight? Be honest

I have calcaneus your BMI and you're only slightly overweight. It's nothing to worry about, :) if you're worried about your weight I would advise you to speak to a doctor :) xx

Hey, I'm 12, my height is 4'7 and I'm 5 stone 11. Is this normal? Am I overweight?

You sure are! :) xx


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