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I was assaulted the other day (head kicked in etc.) and I have major anxiety from it. i can't walk in the dark alone and I drink to forget. I feel it's going to happen again, just because I look different and like different things to other people.

GregSmithYeah’s Profile PhotoGreg Smith
Hi. I'm really sorry to hear that! You don't deserve to be treated like that. Of course it's going to give you anxiety etc. I can understand why you drink to take the anxiety and upset away - but it's really not a good idea and can have serious impact on your heath.
Have you spoken to anyone about this? The police etc?
You say you look different and like different things which other people don't... that's okay - everyone is different and people should respect you for that, although not everyone is kind and understanding. Have you spoken to the doctor at all? They could prescribe you with some anxiety medication which could help wonders! How do you feel about that?

I keep getting really migraines throughout a school week, for the whole day. Is it from eating a poor diet? & how can I stop this?:(

Migraines can be caused by ...
Emotional triggers...
Physical triggers...
•poor quality of sleep
•shift work
•poor posture
•neck or shoulder tension
•travelling for a long period of time
•low blood sugar

Dietary triggers...
•lack of food (dieting)
•delayed or irregular meals (see below)
•caffeine products, such as tea and coffee
•specific foods such as chocolate, citrus fruit and cheese.
Have you spoken to anyone about this? Your parents, a friend or a doctor? I'm not a doctor so I cannot give you accurate advice about medical problems.. do you feel able to talk to your GP if things continue ? x

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I've known I'm bi for ages now I'm a girl btw how do I tell my parents and friends

Hi :) It's going to be difficult to tell them because of course, you're worried about their reaction.. but trust me - if they're your TRUE friends - it won't make the slightest difference :) If when you told them, they didn't want anything to do with you - then that just proves to you how they weren't worth it in the first place! :)
All you need to do, is sit down with your parent's once evening and ask if you can have a chat with them. Then, you can either say it how it is, how you feel, and what they think of it ... or if you're too nervous to speak face to face with them... write them a note and give it to them so you don't feel awkward saying it?
When you speak to your friends about it, you just need to be casual... don't look too worried as you're telling them or anything, then if you're confident about who you are.. then hopefully they will be. Have you got a BEST friend of your friends? You could meet up with that friend first and once you have their trust and support - you could then tell your other friends? x

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I'm gay and I have a but plug and it was in my bag today af school and it fell out and everyone laughed at me :'(:'(:'(:'(

I'm sorry this has happened! People are going to laugh, it just shows you who are your friends and who the nasty spiteful ones are! Have they said anything else since you spoke to me?
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My bestfriend has randomly started to be reall off/funny with me. I have no idea why but everytime I ask her what have I done or what's wrong she says 'I don't want to talk about it' heeelllpppp

I'm sorry she's doing this to you! If you're positive you've done nothing wrong - then seriously don't worry about it! If you've got other friends then hang round with them and act as if you're fine with it - because 9 times out of 10, people only do that to get a reaction from you and they want you to keep on and on at them, asking what you've done wrong. You've tried your best, asked her what you've done wrong and she hasn't bothered to give you an answer so all you can do is wait. Have you got any other friends you can speak to if you're upset?

(person who's annoyed with mums boyfriend) we do want to go speak to her together but he's always in the house so it's hard to say it without him hearing x

Ah I see! Yes I understand that could be difficult - but why not as her if you and your sister could go for dinner out one day and speak to her then without him there ? X

I feel like no one cares about me... I just wanna die. I cut myself, I don't know what to do

First of all I'm really glad you've found this page. You can ask me anything you wish, and ill be here to help and support you as much as I can. I understand you feel that way, and it's not a nice feeling I know.
Why do you feel no one cares about you?
You say you've self harmed - I'm wondering, have you got a councellor?
I would seriously advise you to speak to a doctor about feeling suicidal, because if you do not seek help things will only get worse not better. Xxx

They don't understand depression and tbh I was bang put of order but someone from my family telling me I should be locked up hurt xxx

brookehobbs6000’s Profile Photobrooke hobbs
Of course it hurt! It's a horrible thing to say and you didn't deserve that okay? No matter what you did or said! They're ignorant to what depression is - I think they need some information on it! Do they know you feel this way? (You feeling they don't understand?) xxx

My cunt of an auntie, my bitch of an nanny. Argument happened, too hard to explain. I got told that I should be locked up cos my language is fucking terrible, well I should be locked up xxx

brookehobbs6000’s Profile Photobrooke hobbs
I'm sorry you're in an argument with them. Don't worry, I feel the same about my family. No, just because your language is bad does not mean you should be locked up! My language can be bad sometimes, but it's a way of letting anger out, as I reckon it is for you too? Xxx

Right, my mum's with this guy and at first I thought he was alright but my sister really didn't like him. My mum moved him in anyway and now they're planning to buy a house together, I'm starting to dislike him more and more and I don't want to upset my mum but me and my sister are mardy constantly.

It sounds to me as if you're seriously annoyed with him! I can understand you don't want to upset your mum - but at the same time want to speak to her and tell her how you de because else it's unfair on you too? How do you feel about you and your sister going to speak to her together? Xx

Okay I've been to you for advice a couple of times and well I'm a fucking mess :( xx

brookehobbs6000’s Profile Photobrooke hobbs
It's okay<3 I'm here. Talk me through your problems and I shall help :) x

in reply to the bulimic question...I don't have breakfast and I have a cheese baguette for lunch with like a crispie cake or something some times and afterschool I have a packet of crisps and like mince and tatties or something for tea, and I don't want to speak to my dad oh and my dad will suspect

How about making a healthy diet plan which will hopefully make you feel better in yourself so will help with the bulimia?
And I understand, but you really need to speak to someone about this, preferably a professional e.g. A doctor or councellor else things will not get better. I understand you don't want to speak to your dad about it - but is there anyone else? X

Tried starving myself and i didnt eat for about 24 hours and then today i felt like all my bones were all achy and were craving in! I couldn't even control my body

I'm really sorry you felt like you needed to stave yourself. I cannot stress enough to you how dangerous this is. It will only go down hill from here if you don't seek help. Your body will slowly shut down, then when you WANT to eat, your body won't let you. It will look at food in a bad way and reject it. You need to get ell now, book a doctors appointment and take a friend or relative with you for support.
Your bones will get weak, you'll get seriously ill, be sick, feel tired etc. x

I'm overweight and I am bulimic and I have cut down my diet but I am to self conscious to do any sports etc to get me at a good weight!

Okay - I'm sorry you're going through this!
First of all, I'm wondering do you have anyone to speak to about this? Anyone supporting you through it? (Bulimia)
Secondly, can you give me an example of what you eat in 1 day so I can give you more advice? :)
And I know you feel self conscious if you do sport etc, but if you for example go swimming in the evening, hardly anyone is in the pool and usually it's old people! And you won't feel self conscious Infront of them :)
You could do exercise at home? Put a work out DVD on and do she exercise that way?x

http://ask.fm/StayStrong107/answer/37282466959 - sorry its late erm I eat bacon butties for breakfast, whatever school has for lunch & a sandwich, when I get home I eat another sandwich then for tea I eat either chicken or something.

Don't worry it's fine :) and I see! Well I can see you've been trying to eat lots of food! Have you spoken to your doctor about this? There may be an underlying problem causing weight loss x

--teacher thing-- because he winks at me and is always staring at me... and dunno like 30 :/

I see. He shouldn't be winking at you or staring at you in this way, and if he's making you feel uncomfortable then you have a right to report him. How do you feel about that? X

me and all of my mates think my teacher likes me? help? x

Why do they think this? And how old is this teacher? X

I'm in the underweight zone for my BMI:( Honestly really worried, because my diet is "eat all the fatty foods get out of the danger zone" but I keep losing weight... I hate it I hate me

I'm sorry you're having to go through this! Don't say you hate yourself, you should love yourself!
Okay, so it says you're underweight... How is your diet? Can you give me an example of what you eat in 1 day?xx


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