
Help and Advice on any issue

Ask @StayStrong107

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thankyou for the advice, it's helped me, though I still have no idea what to do

You're welcome! :)
And i'm sorry you feel that way...
Which question were you? I will try and think more into it?

(Being bi) I don't think I can talk to my parents because I don't get on well with my dad and he won't understand:( I used to self harm because it upsets me and I get so stressed over it because no one understands I've tried to tell my friends but they just ignor it:(

Okay, I'm sorry you feel that way, but you can't be blamed for feeling like that! And It must be hard, having your friends not understand how you're feeling. Maybe it's their lack of knowledge and they just choose to ignore the subject and think it will go away? Of course you're going to get stressed about it - it's natural. But i'm always going to be here, okay?
Do you have any other relatives you can confide in?

Okay :) I already have her number (Bbm) and don't have facebook. How long do you think I should continue to talk to her for? Hehe :)

It's entirely up to you - maybe until you feel comfortable to speak to her face to face and open up to her a bit? :) Then, once the trust is built... (relationships are built on trust) you can start to hint :)

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You seem really occupied:/ I don't want to annoy you but there is no one I can talk to because no one sees my mum like this, it just really upsets me and I feel COMPLETLY and utterly worthless

I'm really sorry to hear you feel like this! If you would like to speak to me more, you can add me on facebook. I'm more than happy for people to do that if they're feeling like they have no one to speak to, because I know how that feel's. Why do you feel completely worthless? And what do you mean about your mum?

I don't have anyone to speak to, and my councillor doesn't help at all, I just don't know what to do because I really think that she's worth it, she's my "only exception"

Well i'm always here for you to speak to about whatever, but i'm just thinking someone face to face would be much more useful. Have you thought about changing councellors? Some are useless and don't help, sometimes make things worse etc, but some are really good.. you just need to find the right one! When I had councelling, I had to change councellors about 6 times before I found the right one for me who actually helped me! Just don't give up on it :)
And I can see she is... x

You seem busy so I wouldn't blame you if you didn't answer. Basically I like a girl who's just came out of a two week long relationship, Im not sure if she likes me but I'm planning on maybe getting to know her and asking her out sometime? I just don't know when... Help would be greatly appreciated.

I always answer everyone's questions but It may take a couple of minutes :)
And if you like her, I think it's a great idea. You could just get her number, speak to her on facebook, just friendly chat.. then ask if she wanted to go to the cinema or somewhere... and just be casual about it.. maybe she will get feelings for you and she'll tell you before you ever think about telling her how you feel? Once you get to know her better, it'll become much easier in telling her how you feel. :)

About the mum and councellor thing..I can't link it on the divice I am on right now

Okay no worries!
and are you sure there is NO ONE you can talk to about this? Because it's always better out than in and bottled up!

No:/ I just want like some advice now? how to cope with it all?:/

Sorry, which question is this about? Link it to me so I know? x

A girl I really like likes someone else, though I thought that they liked me, what should I do?

You tell her how you feel, no matter how hard it may be!

I really like this girl and she told me that she liked me, we've never met, and I've just found out that she's practically with this other guy who she's obviously madly in love with and I don't know what to do, I've started to self-harm again because of this, what should I do?

You sound like you're annoyed and upset that she has done this to you. I know you really like her, but if it's going to get you down this much, you have to seriously think to yourself... is she worth it? If shes going to change her mind every second... what good is it doing you?
Have you got anyone you can speak to?

I've not got one..I'm the same person who said about getting one but then not being sure if I could trust them etc..

Oh, I see! Do you feel able to speak to a friend? x

i dont think so, should i tell him? if so how?

Yes, of course :) Let it out, tell him! Long distance relationships can work, you will just have to visit eachother as much as you can.
Just say it how it is "I've got something to tell you..."
"I have feelings for you"

Mind plugging my page? This community's helped me significantly and I want to help others as well!

Yeah sure :) xx

my bestfriend/crush who im madly in love with just moved to england and i live in wales and before he left he kissed me and told me he loves me (that was today) and we r texting but i love him and i dont want to get over him... what do i do?

You don't have to get over him, if you love him and the feelings are still there it can't stop you. Does he know how you feel?

My mum constantly puts me down, I've tried talking to her about it but she's just like 'stop it, go away' etc..I feel like I'm not good enough anymore:/

I'm sorry to hear that :( must be hard for you. How do you feel about speaking to a councellor about it?

I think I might be bi but I don't know how to tell anyone? I've done things with girls but I fancie a boy:/ please help:)

Okay - that's fine :)
Do you feel like you could speak to your parent's easier than anyone else? Or a relative?
Why not sit down with them in the evening or something, and just ask to have a heart to hear with them... if they're understanding people it should be no problem x

Its just distance, I dunno if I should do stuff to myself or go with somebody else :/

DON'T go with somebody else, you'll regret it and you can't do that behind someone's back if you're still with them :/

I need sex but my girlfriend lives so far away.. What should I do?

Is there any possibility of meeting up with her and travelling to see her?

But what if she doesn't +all this effort has been for nothing?

Then you can honestly say to yourself, at least you tried... and if it doesnt work out you know shes not the right one for you! x

is it possible to still love someone but also like a different person? im so confused

OF course it is :)

Yep, I had to pay the 'debt' which was about £4 and money for a new card that I don't even need that was about £1.10:/ xxxxxxxxxxx

You shouldn't have without asking for proof! xxxxxxxx

I was gonna take her into town tomorrow+spoil her but she don't have money:( I just dunno what to do,I need to prove how much she means to me!

Aww, :( I know it seems tough now, but it'll get better and she'll realise how hard you're trying to show her!


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