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My 'best' friend has been mean too me on this what do i do to stop her?? And not to get in a argument o am 12 letting you know?xx

What sort of things has she been saying, and do you know for a fact that it is her? xx

Because no one thinks of me in that way

I know no one does, but this could be a fresh start?
I understand your worries, of course...
But you need to think of yourself!
What do you think would make it easier to tell your guidance teacher? x

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hello, it's me with the sibling suicide message thing, I don't think he was being 100% serious. He may of just been feeling down at that time,and he seems happy. But he seemed happy when i read it, i love him to peaces he has no clue, i have told my bestfriend about it also.

Sometimes even an hour before people commit suicide they're smiling. It can seem so real, like they're so happy and loving life - but it's fake. They're hiding a dark secret and sharing it with no one. I can't make you, but I would really advise that you do speak to someone about this - do you feel able to talk to your parent's?

I'm really worried about my best friend, but I'm also worried he'll see this because he has the password to my ask /: should I say it here or not? Because I also want to speak to him about it but I haven't been able to yet and I'd find it easier if he found out here? Please help us :(

You could speak to me on facebook if you wish?

Noo, I haven't told anyone else about it, I don't want anyone to know- theyll just judge me

Why would they judge you? x

Need advise on how to build up confidence :( as ive been getting bullied for about 6 years :/ i have no self confidence what so ever /: always depressed, feel like im suffering from depression and i dont know what to do :( xx

First of all - where do you get bullied? Online, inside school or outside?
It's no wonder you don't have any confidence, and feel depressed if you're being treated like that!
If you're feeling like you're depressed - you probably have depression. Do you feel able to go to the doctors? xx

I was going to tell the teacher who suggested a councellor to me, about could I actually get one but I just didn't have the courage to tell her:/

Aw, i'm sorry you didn't feel able to tell her. Could you get someone else to tell her, and speak on your behalf for you? x

im a young girl aged 13 have been fingered and regret it but nobody will stop giving me hate:( they make me feel ugly and fat

I can see you regret it and wish it never happened. Unfortunately, we can't change the past - but we can change the future! :)
Where are these people giving you hate? If its on ask.fm, that can be sorted.
if it's outside of school, this can be sorted too!
and if it's inside of school, it can easily be sorted!

I'm 13 but...I like this boy who likes another girl and I can just tell that they are going to be together by the end of the week,he knows about my feelings for him and we speak like 24/7 but I just need to get over him:/x

Okay - if you need to get over him - there are many way's!
Be strong and think: So what if he doesn't like me? He is not the only guy in the world. Remember this, he is not one in a million, but rather just one out of a million. Yes, he very much that insignificant if you were to look at this matter in that perspective.
Ask yourself a few questions that can strengthen your resolve to forget him....
Why should I waste my time on someone who doesn't care and isn't willing to spend his time on me?
Why should I waste my emotions on someone who doesn't reciprocate?
Why should I waste my tears crying over someone who will never know, never care and wouldn't care?
Why should I subject my heart to such pain over someone who doesn't give two hoots about me?
Why should I put myself through such arduous torture of missing him, thinking about him, caring about him, loving him and gain nothing of that sort in return?
Why should I get depressed over a man who can ruin my chances of meeting potential better men?
If you have resolved to forget about him and move on, stick with it. Do not hesitate and try to think of different excuses for you not to move on.
If you are in the situation where you think he might have liked you, and then you realized he really wasn't interested, it's OK. Just move on and please do not harp on any past 'experiences' that has made you think that he likes you. Do not give yourself the opportunity to think that you might still have a chance. If there is really something between the two of you, don't you think something might have already happened? Why wait till the time when you finally realized that it isn't mutual?
Do something that can take your mind off him, or this one sided relationship. Even if it's just that little while. Do not lie in bed, cuddling underneath your blankets and listen to depressing songs. Nope, that isn't going to help but make you feel worse because all you're going to think about is him, him and still him! Go for a jog, walk your dogs, clean your room, cook something, bake, anything!
Think of his negative side. Think of that side of him that isn't favourable. Yes, you might say that you love him so much that you love his negative sides altogether. Girl, that isn't going to help. What you are trying to do now is to forget about him and to diminish all those romantic feelings you have for him. (Soon to be- had, remember?)
Ask yourself: Why do I want to go out with a guy who has made me cry more than smile? Find a guy who will make you smile, dry your tears and is always willing to spend his time and shower you with love, concern and affections, and not this guy who has indirectly made you give him all that but he doesn't appreciates nor he accepts. He is so not worth it. <3

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I am 13 and im circumcised but my gf wants to wank me off and im a bit embraced

Just be open with her - tell her how you feel about it. If you're in a relationship - you have to be honest. I know it's going to be hard for you as you feel awkward - but you dont have to say it to her face. You could write it down or text it to her if you feel more comfortable?

I have one serious probalem I'm not taking the p*ss or anything now but I'm a girl and I'm really self confident because my labia (flap) are reallyyY long and look disgustiing I cry myself to sleep every night because if this what can I do I 14

This is completely normal. I know someone who was self conscious about this, but everyone's 'downstairs areas' are different - so you don't even need to worry! Not everyone's are going to be the same! :)

I feel a bit down.I really like a boy in my school and I want to go out with him but I'm too scared to ask.we never talk and we don't bother either but when I see him I'm instantly atracted!I'm not sure but I get a sense that he may like me to? Everytime I see him he seems to be looking what do mean

Sorry to hear you're feeling down!
It seems to me as if you need to pluck up the courage to ask him out!
Don't jump in there if you haven't spoken to him yet, because you may scare him off! Start slow...
add him on facebook, get his number,... text him, get to know him etc. Then, when you're fluently speaking to eachother... then you can drop the bomb on him! xx

Hi em, I just fell out with pretty much all of my friends because they all just abandon me and now they're mad that I'm friends with an old friend, anyway that's not important, point is, I'm so close to cutting but I'm really trying to stop. Help?<3

I can understand why you're feeling so low and why you want to cut. Have you tried other way's of dealing with this anger and upset? I'm so sorry you're going through this. Thing's will get better, I promise you. But the main thing is, is that you're not tempted to self harm anymore. Do you do it often, or have you tried stopping for a while?xx

very shy

Hi! Do you want to become more confident then, i'm guessing that's what you've asked me for advice on?

i've just read all your anwsers, you're amazing. You've been through so much, i admire you so much. I was thinking about suicide you've gave me so much hope.. thank you.. I would be your friend! x

Aww! bless you! Of course! would you like me to add you on facebook?xx

I used to be really confident, but I've lost all confidence now, not just because of my body though, I used to get bullied everyday for ages, because, of being ugly, fat, etc. and I used to love gymnastics, swimming everything but now I only go for bike rides/ running. I eat healthy too. Xx

Well the first thing which is positive is that you eat healthily! You're already one step ahead of me, haha!
But I understand why you have lost so much confidence - Bullies are nasty pieces of work, they'll never get anywhere in life - whereas I KNOW you will!
You don't still get bullied now, do you?
I'm just thinking - They may have left a scar of hurtful words on you - but you have to prove them wrong, prove them that you CAN gain your confidence back, prove to them you CAN lead a happy, confident, successful life doing the things you USED to love.. because you can still love them! xx

If I asked his friends they would be like "ooh look at you then ;)" I was talking to him today, I've decided to not mention it really! :/ xxx

I can see your point, yeah. But you need to think of YOU, and you only in this! x

im 13, girl........... suicide is a big thought right now. Everthing espect of my life is shit: parents, siblings, friends, boy friends and myself (face, boy and too shy) :(

First of all - of you feel like you're going to do anything - STOP. WAIT. THINK. BREATH.
Who would be affected?
Who would miss you?
You've just missed out on your future?
I promise you!
Can you speak to a relative, teacher, trusted adult, councellor?
You've always got me to speak to - but sometimes you need to speak to people in person! If you don;t bottle it up, and tell someone how you feel - things will get easier for you!

Mind plugging my page? This community's helped me significantly and I want to help others as well!

Sure ! :)

my best friend keeps on thinking shes pregnant, because she has done everything in the book. A boy hasn't even touched me before, let alone kiss! or peck! I feel like shit because everyone around me is happy with their relationships, and i'm not :( and there's no one out there for me to be with

Of COURSE there is someone out there for you! How old are you? You've got your whole life ahead of you! Some people don't even have a boyfriend at 25, then find the right man at like 30! I am in the same situation... a girl I was friends with had slept with over 10 boys and I hadn't done anything! But you need to just wait and be patient - a boy will respect you and find you much more attractive if you're not sleeping around, or had loads of boyfriends - it shows you have self value etc! Just enjoy yourself now with your friends around you - you've got your whole life to be worrying about men! x

i am doing the right thing? I saw a message with one of my siblings talking to a friend, my sibling told them he wanted to commit suicide :'( it killed me, i've decided i'm going to keep it to myself, i dont want them hating me for seeing it. im just hoping hes not going to do anything. :'(

Okay - first of all - you NEED to tell someone okay? I know it may be scary but you can't keep this to yourself. If your sibling is serious about it, and you don't do anything - you'll regret it and feel terrible for the rest of your life! Do you feel able to tell your parent's? Or any other relative? This need's to be highlighted... and sorted. Your sibling need's help, and fast! How do you feel about that?
I know you feel like they'd hate you - but what's worse... them hating you and being alive, OR them not hating you, and not being alive? It's not a hard decision! You can do it, I promise you!!


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