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Yeah but your not like 40 ..

Yeah I know, but there are many Councillors who are 18-24 as well :) They're not all 40. If you think about it.. the older you are the more experienced you are, so it's probably an advantage :) xx

I picked up a face wash bottle and accidentally caught the corner of it on my wrist and it left a mark (not a cut) but then I did it again and again and it felt good. Am I cutting?

Yes, that is the start of self harm. If you have deliberately hurt yourself, it is self harm. If you carry on now, you'll find it exceptionally hard to stop. This is your chance - to get out of that cycle before it's too late. The more you do it, the harder it'll become to stop because you'll be addicted to it. There are so many problems which come with self harm ... it's not worth it. Many people self harm because it feels like they're releasing the anger and upset, which is understandable but there are many other, safer and less damaging ways to let your emotions out.
Are you thinking of doing it again? xx

Cause they do .. there just strangers

Ah I see! :) Yeah I understand what you mean .. but i'm a stranger and you're talking to me? :)They're professionally trained to help through, which is even better :) xx

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They just do and no I Haven't they just scare me

Aww it's okay - I understand if you're not keen on speaking with them. I'm wondering why they've scared you if you haven't spoken to them?xx

They scare me it will be awkward

How come they scare you? Have you contacted them and spoken to them before?
And they wouldn't know who you are :) Everything is confidential xx

i think i can wait. i dont think there is someone else i can (or want/dare to) talk to. maybe i'll feel better this summer because i'll have no stress for school :) thank you for helping me <3

I understand :) If you do start to feel bad, you know i'm always here to speak to. You can also contact childline and ring them/ or speak to the Councillors on the 1-2-1 web chat service. Just make sure you're open about your feelings and don't bottle them up :) You're welcome!xx

Idk I want to speak to someone but im shy

It's okay - I understand. What you have to remember is getting the courage to speak to someone is the hardest thing, but after you speak to someone it's the best feeling! You just need to pluck up that courage! How about calling childline or speaking to them on the 1-2-1 web chat to begin with and then go onto speaking to someone in person? xx

but also we been broke up for a few months and i really miss him but he doesnt want me :/ it just hard as we were together like three years& he was there through everything even the loss of my mum :( it so hard :( i feel worthless

Ah I remember speaking to you a little while ago about this! I'm sorry you're going through this. You may feel worthless but you're NOT worthless. There are ways of getting over him, and tips all over the internet on how you can get over an ex boyfriend. You just need to try everything possible and it'll take time of course, it won't happen over night, but it will be okay. There IS light at the end of the tunnel! xx

thank you,i just did the test you gave me and i had a very high score for major depression and cyclothymia, high-moderate for dysthymia and bipolair disorder. i'm considering talking to a teacher i trust and he's very nice but it's almost summerbreak so i'll probably do that after summer :) thanx xx

You're welcome :) Yes I think that'll be a brilliant idea, although are you sure you can wait all summer? I mean, if it gets worse during the summer holidays do you have a back up plan of who else you could speak to? xxx

Can't I just take a pill or something

No you still need to go to the doctors, because then they can prescribe you the right medication:) Depending on your age

What will they do if I tell them? Is there a name for what's wrong with me?

It's nothing to be afraid of at all, trust me :) They'll just speak to you about what's going on for you, you just need to explain to them whats been happening, what the people are saying to you etc and if you're worried about it. Then, they'll diagnose you with something, help you, and you'll be right as reign again! Yes, there is a name but I am not medically trained to diagnose you or anything xx

Thank you for the advice I appreciate it a lot you don't know how much I do :') <3

Aww bless you! you're more than welcome! Glad I can be of help! always here xxx

I can't tell people because a majority of the people there are nice. I think I created them she. I was younger to escape reality and shit. And I really like the people there. But there are some nasty ones as well. They were the ones who persuaded me to kill myself but on the whole they make me happy

I see. Let me tell you something - I knew a girl who had someone in her head speaking to her telling her to kill herself, and she got more and more depressed and didn't know what to do. In the end she tried killing herself but was admitted to hospital where she was there for roughly a week and they gave her some medication and lots of nice people spoke to her about it and soon she was better! I really urge you to speak to someone you trust about this because I don't actually know who you are unless you tell me, so I can only help you through here. It's really important to speak to a doctor about it because if you don't sort it out now it's going to get worse, trust me. I've seen how it affected someone, but it's so easy to sort it out :) Think about it, if you sort it out now, you'll get lots of support and you won't have those horrible voices in your head anymore :) I know you say some of the people are nice and make you happy, and that's good - but for the one's who tell you to kill yourself, it's not good. xxx

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Lifes pointless

Life is NOT pointless. You may be feeling like it's pointless at this moment, maybe something bad has happened to you, you're going through a tough time, or someone has said something nasty to you to make you feel worthless and like there is no point in life - but there is. I promise you! I've been in your situation feeling the same and I have come through the other end! There is light at the end of the tunnel I swear to you. You need to stop existing and start LIVING! surround yourself with happy, funny, kind and positive people, and you'll already be there! Start a hobby and do something you enjoy - leave the negative people behind!
I'm wondering.. have you spoken to anyone about how you're feeling? A parent/guardian? Councillor? Friend? It's important you don't bottle things up. I'm always here for you to speak to, you can speak to me on here or kik or facebook xx

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How come it seems like I have no one? I'm all alone I have no friends I cry my self to sleep. All my friends moved everyone makes fun of me and talks bad stuff about me. Can I ever have a real friend who won't leave me?

Hey, i'm so sorry you're feeling upset like this. I understand you're feeling alone because your friends have moved and everyone makes fun of you. Does this happen in school? Because if it continues to happen you must report it. You don't have to put up with that! And they cannot get away with treating you like this. OF course you'll have a real friend or won't ever leave you! True friends are hard to find these days, I know that! You just need to be yourself, stand up for what you believe in and they'll respect you more. Don't try and be someone you're not to gain friends, because they'll be liking someone who's not real. Have you spoken to anyone about how you're feeling? A parent/guardian, teacher, Councillor? it's important you don't bottle these thoughts and feelings up anymore, you need to start talking about them because you'll just become more upset. I'm always here for you okay? You can either inbox me on here, or facebook or kik me xx

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I sound like a moron when I say this but basically I see people. They talk to me and I talk to them and I don't know what to do about it

Hey :) You don't sound like a moron, so don't ever think that!
First of all - have you told anyone about this? A parent/guardian, councellor etc?
Secondly - when you see people and speak to them.. are they being nice or nasty? xx

It's me, I hate myself, I hate how bad I'm doing at school, I'm basically flunking government and politics, I wish I could be someone else every time I wake up. I'm such a failure!!!

You're NOT a failure! Everyone is good and bad at different things! I'm sure you're not doing as bad as you think! It's because you're feeling so rubbish you think that. Why are you missing government and politics? Is there something you don't enjoy about the lesson or the people in there? Don't ever wish you're someone else! You are an original, not a copy!

heey, i have a question. sinse a few weeks i'm very tired and sad all the time, things i used to like.doing dont seem so much fun anymore. I dont want to do anything anymore,just laying in bed and being alone. Sometimes i even dont want to eat anymore. Do i have a depression or something like that?

Hey! I'm really sorry you're feeling like this. It's not a nice feeling to go through, I know.. but there IS hope and there IS light at the end of the tunnel! I promise you on that one. Yes, it does sound like you have depression etc, but I'm not medically trained to diagnose you so you would have to book an appointment at the doctors. How do you feel about that?
Here is an online test you can take to give you a rough idea. ( the link below )
I'm wondering.. have you spoken to anyone about how you're feeling? It's important, especially if you think you have depression to speak to people. Don't ever bottle things up - you need to be open about how you're feeling so people can help you out. How about speaking to a trusted adult? A parent/teacher/Councillor? I'm always here for you to speak to so you can just inbox me if you want to stay anonymous, OR you can add me on facebook or kik. the details are on my profile xx

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I can't do it anymore. I've planned to do it tonight :'(

Yes you can. You can do ANYTHING if you try. I understand you have thought about it, but you have so so much to live for! It's these negative thoughts. How about we talk about whats causing them and sort it out? I guarantee you'll feel so so so much better for releasing these thoughts and feelings you're having, instead of bottling them up! We will sort this out and you'll feel happy again soon. I promise. You just need to trust me on this. We CAN sort whatever it is that's making you feel this way, out! xx

I'm horny, like really badly, but theres no one to 'do it' with... I mean I'm single, 17 and one of them people who people rarely get in a relationship with, I mean I've had sex a few times but masturbation is not an option either, I share my bedroom with my 14 year old sister...

Hey. I understand you're sexually frustrated - and that's completely natural. Everyone goes through feeling this way, and you will get a girlfriend when you meet the right person. Don't go looking for a girlfriend just because you're feeling like you need sex, because that's not right. You may feel this way now and I understand you share a room with your sister. Why not channel your sexual frustration into something else? Like a hobby or a sport?

I need to kill myself :'(

No you do not!
I know at this very moment in time you may think "life isn't worth living, what have I even got to live for?" or "no one cares about me, what's the point" but let me tell you - there IS a point! You're going to grow up and have a happy, successful life with a family of your own. I know how you feel, it's a feeling as if you're trapped, you're screaming and no one can hear you? Or it's a feeling that you're in a dark hole, and people are just looking at you - but not actually helping. I've been there before but I have come through the other end! I promise you, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
You need to speak to someone immediately. Speak to someone you trust for example a parent, a teacher, a friend, or a Councillor. I'm wondering.. does ANYBODY know how you feel at this very moment?
Don't ever feel alone and like no one cares, because even if you think they DON'T, they DO! If you feel you cannot speak to anybody - i'm here for a chat. We can work through your problems and find solutions. My facebook and kik details are on my profile. you are NOT alone through this, okay? There are lots of people who go through feeling suicidal, and they get through it - so can you!
How do you feel about having counselling? It can be very helpful! xxx

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