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awh sounds like you have had a really bad past but just focus on your future it will be fine i hope and awh you are so supportive x

Thank you. :)
And I like to think so! always here xx

I've been offerd counselling at school but I think some how it'll get back to my mum and dad, I really can't risk them finding out. & I'm different because they are just everything im not? I don't know, like they're strong etc

Why don't you want them finding out? Are you worried they'll be upset, angry worried etc? Or are you having councelling because of them?
It shouldn't get back to them - councelling is all confidential.
I think you're a strong person, you just don't believe it. I would definatly take up the councelling - what've you got to lose? Yes, you may go and think 'erugh this doesn't work!' BUT - you may go and actually find out it's something that's really useful to you! In that case, you've definatly gained something!xx

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awh why are you in care-stay strong- and my dad usta abbuse us :( x

My dad used to abuse me. Physically and emotionally. My whole family abandoned me because they didn't believe what he had done to me, but there was evidence from the police and domestic violence service, but they just didn't want to believe he could do such a thing. I've had to deal with alot on my own, and alot of bad things have happened whilst I have been in care aswell. I'm 18 now, and left my home when I had only just turned 17. If I could have, I would have gone into care long ago before I was 17. That's why I have made this account, because I'd say I was an understanding person, I've been through al sorts and come out the other side - so there is hope. You just need to stay strong.
I'm sorry to hear that xx

saying that my mum wasnt a good enough parent just because of stupid issues like foundation on my collar at school and yeah a bit because if i do something i will just think they will do something like what happened in my past :( x

I'm in care. Leaving care soon. It's not as bad as you think. Yes, it's tough, but that's life. You'll be okay - you'll get the support you deserve. What has happened in your past that is making you worry? x

Well no, not really, but im a lot different from my closest friends..they're all so much better than Iam:/ everyone is

Don't say that! I bet you're a clever person. You just need the confidence and support to believe it. Do you have much support?
How are they different? x

ive grown up around my dad and we're really close aswell,ive gotta go now,is it alright if we speak later? you give amazing advice!x

Okay, well I shall speak to you about it later! Always here!
Keep your head held high :)
Aw, thank you xx

just like everything all social in my life and have been there for nearly 5 years now they have threatend to put me and my 4 year old sister into care and my 17 year old sister is in care now :( x

Why have they threatened to put you into care? Are you scared of going in care? x

I constantly feel like I'm not good enough:/

Is there any reason why you feel like that? Has someone been putting you down at all? x

no,never,thats what i dont understand,like i have male teachers at school that teach me,but i can never look them in the eye and i tend to feel uncomfortable walking past them aswell x

Okay - just asking a few questions - have you been brought up around men, or just around females? because if you haven't had a male figure in your life - or socialised with men it can make things hard and that's maybe why you feel uncomfortable? x

everything is falling apart and to make it worse i have fallen out with my bestfriend!</3

What else has fallen apart? Want to talk about it? x
Liked by: Lore

yeah i suppose i just feel uncomfortable around adults,especially men x

I know how you feel, have you had a bad past with men? x

My bestfriend hates me, we have fell out and he doesnt care about me at all, I dont know what to do because I need him, I pretend i dont care but ever since he stopped speaking to me i cant be happy...x

How come you two have fallen out? and have you tried to sort things out yet?x

sometimes i will cry about it,but because my teacher is male i cant really talk to him x

I see, i'm sorry to hear you're upset!
I understand; is there a female P.E teacher - or could you speak to a trusted adult in the school?
E.g. someone in Pastoral care? x

I have forgiven him completely, the reason I am not talking to him is because he was starting to get creepy, never letting me have a minute to myself. I just want us to be friends but i need to know that he will accept that and nothing else - I don't know what to do? xx

That sounds obsessive, and it's good you aren't in a relationship because he sounds like he's controlling and has trust issues. Yes, I agree with that - you do need to know he will accept your offer on friendship but nothing else. You need to speak to him when you get the chance, face to face, and be firm but kind - you have a right to tell him how you feel, and also listen to him, tell him you understand how he feels but you are offering to be friends, but that's all. You can do no more x

self conscious

Okay - I was like that too, don't worry. Can you speak to your P.E teacher about how you feel? Or get a parent to ring up? You could be excused from P.E and say you need to catch up on other coursework instead? Or.. is there a toilet you can get dressed and undressed in so you don't need to worry about being self conscious when getting in your kit. Many people feel self conscious when doing P.E in school, but never really say anything. If you're really unhappy about it, you need to voice your feeling's because you'll get ill if you keep worrying and getting stressed about it. x

i love this guy i met once and it was so romantic he looked into my eyes and we full on kissed and he called me perfect and everyday i find myself crying, missing him, im seeing him soon, what do i do/say when i see him again?:(x

It sounds to me as if you really miss him and he must mean ALOT if you're getting upset everyday without him! You shouldn't rehearse anything to say - just go with the flow. it's the best way to be honest - even if you did plan on saying something - when you meet him you'll forget that anyway and say whatever come's out your mouth! x

erm,i worry about P.E mostly,i have these like little panic attacks in my mind,i know it sounds crazy

It doesn't sound crazy, so don't worry. :)
Why do you worry about P.E? Do you not like sport, or are self conscious or...?

ok so,i worry about EVERYTHING! any tips on how to maybe stop?

Okay - so you're a bit of a worrier? I am too, don't worry! I worry about little things and things which don't even need to be worried about, things which haven't even happened yet etc. What kind of things do you worry about? Give me some examples? x

I guess:/x

I know it's hard to think about, but when you've cleared your head a bit - you'll see the positive side of things! You seem like a strong person, so I know you'll get through it :) x

He said he doesn't want to ruin a good friendship etc and he knows personal stuff like I may have bulimia and I self harm and he said he's there for me because he used to self harm and he said nobody could hate me to stay strong and stuff! he's just so sweet!x

I can see his point, I mean if you've been friends for a long time - think about it on the positive side - he obviously thinks the world of you, is completely understanding of your issues and is supporting you through it all because he's been in your position. Imagine if you went out together and it didn't work out - and you never spoke again. That's a huge thing to put on the line, so maybe it's for the best? x


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