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ive had my period for around 2 years now but have never had cramps or any kind of aches or pains is this normal? xx

Yes, all people are different and some people don't have any side effects : )xx

Well not arguing but ignoring really. They're ignoring me for no particular reason, we were at class today and we had to work so I was working on my own then when I had finished, they didn't talk to me. I don't understand.

Don't worry, I've been through the same thing. It's not a nice feeling and is totally unfair! Have you asked them what you've 'supposedly' done wrong?x

I have a question, but I'm going to go anon. My friends keep arguing with me. I don't know why. What should I do?

Hello :) That's fine no worries! What are they arguing with you about? xx

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Period thing: I didn't get those. I'm confused whether to if I've started or not? No cramps, mood swings, aches etc. But when I wipe there's like redish on the tissue, it doesn't look like blood but I don't know?

Maybe it's the start of it - It may not come for another few months though. Have you spoken to a doctor? xx

Hi, a couple of my friends cut but I dont know how to be there for them, I feel like a bad friend:/

First of all you're not a bad friend! You obviously care alot about them to feel like you should do more for them. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do to make them stop self harming, although you can persuade them to seek professional help wither from a Councillor or going to the doctors. Just being there as a supportive friend can be a huge difference when you're going through a tough time. :)
Don't be so harsh on yourself, you're doing a great job :) xx
Liked by: Rachele Blake

Hey. Signs of starting your period? Don't get crappy information off the Internet, from your experience? Nothing on the Internet helps?

Personally a day before I get cramps and my backs more achey. Those are the only signs I have!

Sometimes when I'm bored I'll fap. or eat. is that okay?

Everyone eats when they're bored :) of course it's okay!xx
Liked by: no one

Hey, I sometime have to shit but I don't go. I like the way it feels in me. It give me pleasure, sexual pleasure. I'll just pull it in and out. Does that make me gay? I don't like guys or dicks. But I like anal pleasure...

No I wouldn't have thought it'd make you gay, don't worry so much :) xx

My friend found out what cutting is and now she makes fun of it. This topic has always affected me 'cause I have tried it. Also a very good friend of mine was strongly affected.I don't know how to explain it to this friend that cutting is not a joke, without revaling what i wrote.

Hello :)
What your friend is doing isn't fair at all, and she obviously doesn't know its a sensitive subject so some people. I understand you want to speak to her and tell her it's not a joke, but don't want her to know about whats happened with you? You could simply say "I'd rather you not joke about it, because I know a girl who's struggled with it quite alot.." So this doesnt give away that it's about you?xx

Thanks alot for the advice (the friendship one). I'll try it. You're a great human being and keep un the good work.

You're welcome, I hope it helped. And ahh thank you so much :) xx

I used to cute because I was really depressed because my friend was going through a shit time and she still is and I got better but I'm starting to realise that no one is there for me and that I'm always hiding behind this mask and people can talk to me with their issues and I have no one to tell mi

I understand how you're feeling and it's not a nice feeling I know. It sounds to me as if you're always there for everyone else, going out of your way to help anyone and supporting them with their problems but feel like no one is there for you when you need them? Many people feel like this, you're not alone! Well you have me to speak to now :) Here is a facebook link too which I have just made
or you can add me on my actual account, doesn't bother me :) Do you have a councellor you could speak to? Or your parents?xx

My best friend was insulting another one of my really closefriends, who she doesn't really know. I stood up for the other girl and my best friend was saying: Since when do you care more about her than about me?And then she left.(I know it sounds stupid but what can i do)

I think you did the right thing, sticking up for your other friend, so well done. :)
What your other friend is doing is not fair and it was good to stand your ground. If she's going to say things like that, and then leave to make you feel bad I would seriously re consider your friendship because friends don't do that! Or at least true friends don't do that. Speak to her about it, tell her how she made you feel and how she made your friend feel and see what she says. It's not stupid :) xx

Well i guess i could :/ but i dont wanna ruin our friendship

If she's really your true friend, it won't ruin it <3

will running 2k a day help me lose weight? I'm 14 and I'm a little chubby lol ;)

Any exercise will help you lose weight but you're 14, you shouldn't be worrying about weight yet! xx

I have my bestfriend who i like her boyfriend but i cant tell her id tell my other friend who would help but she would probably say its rong i dont wanna talk to a councellor the one opat our school is harsh and wouldnt understand and my parents no way can they help :/ they know about my maths and P

I understand. How about councelling out of school? You can request a female or male councellor and if it doesnt work out with the 1st one, there is always a 2nd one! :)
I know you cant speak to your friends as you feel she'll say it's wrong, but you can't help your feelings xx

And from my P.E. Teacher and its all too much for me sometimes i think i should just give up or start a new life

I understand everything is just piling up and getting to you? :(
Do you have anyone you can confide in? A councellor, a trustworthy friend or your parents?
Don't give up, hope is just around the corner! xx


Language: English