
Angelina Tran

Ask @StrawberryBAKAAA

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-rampages- im not cray. im normal. >:\ -pouts- oh wait, this is a question thing ainnit? <--thats a question lol FWAHAERHSD

LOOOOOL you're crazy not normal okie xD

WHY U NO LOOK UP THOSE WORDS lmfao XD nudiustertian means day before yesterday. i havent talked to you since before the day before yesterday and pauciloquent means talking little. fml. -throws bananas at you- Gabeuu did a good guess ;3

haha xD
gurl you cray

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Eho, What does nudiustertian mean. HM? HM?!?! I haven't seen you since before then. ;d


Time to eat those rude anons. I'll eat them for you :3 Ange, You and Gabe stay beautiful

wait no
we might get poisoning xD

I don't know you well besides hearing about you from a mutual friend, but you seem like a caring person who loves their friends. Just wanted to say that

Awwww Q u Q
ty so much
I really try to be there for those who love me >~<

not hating just stating a fact think about it y would anyone love u

I don't really know why anyone would love me
BUT miraculously Gabe has come to do so and I am happy for it
and you are hating
instead of spending time to attack me
go get a life

gabe doesnt love u

I'm 100% sure he does actually
stop hating on me
I'm going through enough and I don't need to deal with shitheads like you

if you and him break up would you still be friends w him

...I should hope we don't break up ever because...
even though I know he would still be my best friend after breaking up
I couldn't live a life where I wasn't allowed to love him like that
I would never be happy keeping him in my life and loving him as only a friend
it'd be so unbearable

how did you and him go to know each other? <33

We met through a friend and we played League together a lot
He was my jungle senpai :33
Then we just watched movies together and talked
and he helped me with homework and life >~<""

where does gabe live &where do you live? when do you plan to see each other? :3

Gabeu lives in Texas and I live in North Carolina
We plan on it sometime late this year I think Q u Q""

Oh well I think you and Gabe make a cute couple and I know you two both pretty well. You both are the two of the most caring people I know. And yes, this is not a question :3 p.s. You're kiwi

<3 Awwwwwwwwwwww hueeee >~<

y does gabeu even love u much less like u i mean serious is he blind

Iono he might be
but I'm happy that he loves me
very much :33

Can I eat you`? Ive been one of your craziest fangurls for quite a while now i just like to stare at you face and then im dazzled by your beauty I always wanted to be your friend and buy you a necklace out of a drama but i was afraid you wouldnt like me since im not as popular as you guess who

No you may not eat me
das Gabeu's job HUEEEEEEE **AHEM**
hahah I love you Yoyo xD <3
I'm happy that you're excited about your gift :33

habe you seen gabe irl

I've seen him through pictures and on cam
I have not been able to enjoy the luxury of touching him yet no


Language: English