

Ask @StupidPeopleMaybeSmart

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When you meet with someone for the first time, no matter is it girl or boy, what is the first thing that you notice?

Have you heard of first sight analysis? It's something like that.

same here... but I don't have a choise...So do you think there are people you can trust nowadays?


I don't think everyone who is learning in private school must be pompous rich asshole... But why private..was it your choise ot parent's...

Mine. I can't stand idiots in large groups.

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Hey it's me, again...I saw you fb profile and I didn't find where are you learnig. So...

ЧПГ ,,Леонардо да Вични'' And, no I'm a pompous rich kid. :D

аз не мога да чета окей .. но май написа : сложно е ;)

Имам сложни взаимотношения с компютъра си, съжелявам ако съм те подвел/а.

не мога да съм директна сорка ... ама и ти си доста късопаметен

Seriously. This isn't going anywhere.

Of course you will, but tomorrow...Now I am too tired from all the useless drama during the day...

Yeey. And sorry to hear about that.

окей ти си знаеш .. просто ако не се усетиш бързо .. всичко ще свърши уверявам те

Ебаси, конспирацията, сериозно. Нито знам за кого става на въпрос нито нищо. Nice going.

OK... It was the last question for the night... Sleep well - From the curious one ;)

Good night to you too and I'm going to get anymore questions from you?

ми то изобщо нищо не е станало за да си мислиш , че никой не те харесва .. ц ц я се замисли какво прави напоследък ..

Спах, ядох, излизах, ходих по природни нужди. Нищо интересно.

мне ;P просто те съветвам по-бързо да си отвориш очите защото може да стане нещо и да закъснееш

Да, случайно не мога да чета хората и да знам, дали имат чувства към мен, или не. Сеш' се?

YES! I like this way of thinking... What mistake you can't forgive?

Dunno, I'm a pretty forgivable person. There are a couple of bad ones.

hohoho I saw the previous questions... There are some naughty :DD... It may be trivial but what do you prefer the inside beauty or the outside fake "beauty"? I hope you will understand my question...:)

Physical beauty is only skin deep, while the other one lasts for ever, or something like that.

Okey, you are right.. I wrote really stupid questions here soo...What kind of people do you respect?

I don't mean like the last. For god's sake just look some of my questions and see what I'm talking about. Anyway, people who know now how to communicate without acting or pretending to be a douche. People who are themselves.

Okey... But if it's an ask site, you have to answer my questions... So ... Is there a girl that you like at this moment?

No. And I'm going to answer them. Just don't ask some freaky dicky bullshit, please.

Everyone is special... I just don't know.. I saw your pictures and you see..Maybe it's kind of experiment...

Maybe. We're on a ask site, so ask some damn questions, already. :D


Language: English