

Ask @StupidPeopleMaybeSmart

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Поне не ми се разхождат гоблини в кухнята.

Временно живущи са. Пък и са настоятелни.

Приятелят ми смок ще ти помогне.

Имаш приятели смокове? Creepy.

Моите джуджета ще им изпият кръвта. Dead goblins.

Ще се сбият яко и после ще имам да чистя органи от пода.

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I want мусака.

Има гоблини в кухнята ми, не ми дават да я ползвам.

Evil monkeys attack! Направи ми супа.

Що пък точно супа? :D Има по-вкусни неща от супа, които мога да готвя.

Do you form an opinion about a person without getting to know them first ? Why / why not ?

Black Media
Only if I observe them for a certain amount of time. And that's just to know what kind of person I'm going to be dealing with. Most of the times, I don't even bother doing that, but when somebody seems to be of geniune interest, I take my time. Kinda like stalking but with a more noble cause.

kat si bored as fuck zako ne izleze6 malko navyn we

Извинявай, ама живеем в бахти забутания град. Дори и да изляза, к'во ще правя? Дай ми няколко идеи и ще те благословя.

Какво правиш, когато си много гладен, но те мързи да си вземеш храна или евентуално няма сготвена такава и трябва ти да си направиш? :)

- Пренасям жертвоприношение.
- Викам в умиращи стонове, някой да ми направи храна.
- Моля случайни хора във Facebook да ми направят сандвич.
- Отивам до денонощният до нас и им правя оборота.

Really nice answer. :3 Have a nice day and don't forget to look out for people carrying pans (;

I'll cover my back. :D

Even if I came you wouldn't recognise me 'cuz I'm a secret unicorn-agent. So it will be no fun. But don't worry - your skittles will find you and exterminate your kind when you least expect it. MUAHUAHA! Last question. Say one thing about you that you wish the whole world knew but no one really does

You evil bastard.
Actually, I want people to know as little as possible about me. Less drama. And plus they have to find out by themselves, if they really want to.

You're the king of the world. The other unicorns, however, come down to punish you. They put you in a rainbow-made cage. They ask you what your punishment should be - drowning in Nutella or being suffocated with Skittles.

Suffocated by skittles, definitely. And will this punishment be arranged anytime soon, 'cause quite frankly I kinda can't wait being suffocated by skittles. :D
Liked by: Ники Black Media

And you're asking me if I do drugs!? :D You already live on planet Earth. You've found great friends and have a whale of time BUT you find out you are infected by a deadly disease. Whenever you laugh a rainbow comes out of your nose and turns one of your friends into evil penguin. What would you do

Have an army of evil penguins and pronounce my dictatorship on all of the world. I'll have my own army of Gunters.
Liked by: Ники Black Media

Hello, fishie. Today you are an unicorn. You live on a big fluffy cloud from which you can see the whole world. One day, however, you have to make a decision. You have to choose whether you wanna go down to Earth in a human body or stay where you are and continue enjoying the view all alone

Do you do drugs of any description? I'm just asking.
Anyways, I think I'll join the fleshbags down there, but that doesn't mean I can't go down there in style.
I reckon I'd do something like this:
And when I get down there I'll there's gonna be a bright gayish looking explosion of rainbows. 'Cause that's how I roll.

Well, nope. Not even close. :D Anyways, I think I'll have to keep it a mystery because I'm going out and I'm really, really late. :D Thankies for killing my boredom for an hour :3 Well, see ya some other day when I'm in the mood of asking stupid questions while hiding who I am. ( ;

You're an ass, don't forget your pan.

It was quite long ago. I think we've known each other for like two years and a half. We communicated for the first time in facebook and then started chatting in skype. Is that enough? If you have any ideas, you can write the first letter of my name (in Bulgarian). If not... well, life sucks :D

Let me guess, we haven't talked for quite a bit, or we're not close as before?
Anyways couple of people come to mind:
Anyone yours?

Okay, let's say that when I see you I'll hit you with a pan. Is that enough? :D Or you may ask me sometheng that you think will expose who I am. Only one thing, right here and right now. After all, the charm of ask.fm is the anonymity :3

So, you're gonna carry a pan and wait to see me somewhere and just lunge towards me and hit me? If you really do that, I'd be extremely impressed by your dedication.
How did we meet and how long have we known each other?

Nah, I'm not a fan of that website, dunno why. :D Just try and say 4-5 names. If mine is there, I'll give you a massive hint. If you don't feel like trying, maybe I'll ask you more questions some day... when I have nothing more interesting to do.

Saying names would be a bit too boring, wouldn't it? You said, we know each other, so give some goddamn hints, which will point me to your identity.
And plus, saying names would expose the people I hope you to be, or something.

What a cutie! I promise,if you ever come to me looking like that I won't eat you. Okay, maybe I'll get scared, kill you with a pan and dispose of your body in the schoolyard but that's not the same thing.The last question from me. Is there anything you've always wanted say but never had the chance?

Yeah, a lot of things. Haven't really found the right person to "open up", so to say.
And who are you, you seem interesting, as long as you're not willing to hit me with a pan.

Why not? A few drops of soy sauce, herbs for fragrance and maybe some steamed vegetables make wonders. :D Let's assume you ate it. After few days you realise that you are starting to turn into a "fucking giant ugly looking fish". Your reaction?

Well, you're a horrible person, making me all hungry and stuff.
I'll probably run towards the sea, or crash through somebody's window and beg them not to eat me after I've granted their wish. I wanna be buried like a proper fishie. In a big fishie coffin that looks like a bowl.
P.S. Found myself a future selfie.

A creepy giant golden fish jumps in your room through the window (even if it have to break it). It tells you it will grant you one wish. What is your wish? (If you say world peace I'll hit you really hard. :D)

World peace. *awaiting to be hit*
Anyways, I really don't know. More wishes?


Language: English