

Ask @StupidPeopleMaybeSmart

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Във Варна освен всичките самоубийства по различни начини е нашумял и боя на възрастни хора. Сега питам теб - защо това се случва? С какъв акъл или по-скоро не-акъл трябва да си за да посегнеш на дядо? Да, дядо. Защо света тръгна в тази посока?

Колкото и тъпо да звучи - избиване на комплекси. За да си докажеш, че си голям мъжага и че не си поредният роб на системата. За жалост, доказано по най-малоумният начин.
Liked by: Даниела

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kakvo mislish za stephanie nikolova ;dd

Малкото човече с големите бутилки.

Yes, yes, I have been standing here for like three hours and it is a bit cold. But what kind of tea is it? Cuz if it's green, I'm walking!

I got home, half an hour ago, kinda hard for you to be standing there for three hours. Lies! And it's menthol.

I am right in front of your place. Like, is it okay if nobody answers the door that I climb through the window?

Depends on who you are. I have tea and some food if you care to join me?

Най-глупавият филм, който сне гледали?

И. Бонева
Не си затормозявам мозъка с помненето на такива неща.

What is power to you ? How would you define it ? What are the pros and cons of having lots of power and having absolutely none of it ?

Power is controlling yourself and not be controlled by others.
For me, power is given/aquired when others can't harness it or control it at all.
Having lots of power is basically a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later you'll become drunk with it and bad things happen after that.
Nobody is without power, some don't use it correctly.
Liked by: ignorance is bliss

"Научил съм, че мога да кажа много за човек, съдейки по отношението му към три неща: дъждовен ден, изгубен багаж и заплетени лампички за Коледно дърво." Как го тълкуваш? :)

regarde le serpent mignon
Дъждовен ден - Настроението на доста хора се сменя в зависимост от времето или играе ключов фактор. Общо взето набляга дали човек може видимо да изглежда щастлив, независимо от обстоятелствата.
Изгубен багаж - Доброта? Дали ще потърси собственика, ще го остави или ще прерови така случайничко за нещо.
Заплетени лампички - Търпение/Отдаденост/OCD? Всеки е изпитвал тормоза да разплита лампички. Често просто ги увиват, заплетени около елхата и не отделят време.
Поне аз така го тълкувам, I dunno.

Thank you for your attention, good sir! Many blessings to you, to your family and your friends!

No worriers, old chap! It was a great pleasure to share my awkward taste in comedy with you! And may your blessings be returned threefold.

i ko, sluchaino prosto ot kakto si s neq sprq, tei li ;d sqkash nishto ne ti kazwa.. Drug pat

Рано или късно щеше да ми писне.
И не, в интерес на истината е едно прекрасно и изключително разбрано същество. : 3

http://infinitely--falling.tumblr.com/post/32564097256/d-reamcatching-a-if-im-in-love-b-who-the ?

A - If I’m in love. - Dunno.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was. -
Purrington и Аля.
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed. -
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls. -
E - How many holes I have in my ears. -
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’ -
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to. -
As a joke: Панайот Seriously: A long time ago.
H - The last person I hugged. -
Idk, I'm a hug monster. :D
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why. -
Don't remember.
J - How old I am. -
Haha, no.
K- What my full name is. -
L - If I have siblings. -
M - If I forgive betrayal. -
Depends on the person.
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends. -
As best as I can (If they're worth it) I won't lie that I have had some fuck ups.
O - If I like my school. -
P - What kind of music I like. -
I don't constrict myself in any music genre.
Q - What the last party I went to was, and when the next will be. -
New years, maybe? And I don't know. Maybe at some birthday, who knows.
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities. -
Art, music, games, books, clothes, nice looking shit, food, headphones, movies, shoes (I sound like a fucking girl.), art supplies. That's enough.
S - 2 habits.
Sleeping, breathing. I can do them at the same time.
T- 5 things I love unconditionally.
Food, food, sleeping, food, more sleeping.
U - How many texts I send daily.
On average - about 2-5?
V - 3 big dreams.
Be successful, arrange my life the way I want to. To do what I love.
W - An idol.
My family.
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much.
The list is long.
Y - If I like my town and why.
I don't. Just visit and see for yourself.
Z - Ask any question you want

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