

Ask @TheZombiiPanda

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If you guys all get a place together, and i have nesseccary gamer equipment, I'll cook on Thanksgiving and Christmas guys, if you let me join the group. That sound fair, Undead one? -wildcats373

I.. I don't know. I'd have to talk to everyone else. But hey, free food, it might be enough to sway them..

Do superheros exist?

Yea, just cause they dont wear capes and fly around doesn't mean they aren't superheros. There are superheros in our every day life, not hard to find them. They're the ones that save peoples lives daily. They can range anywhere from a firefighter, a police officer, to even a youtuber. They save people, they're superheros

If you were to live in one of your stories, which story would it be?

I don't actually know.. thats a hard choice. A few are pretty interesting, so it would be nice to see, but I really don't know..

What got you into writing?

I've always loved to write. First I loved reading and it just grew. Now, what I love to write depends on what I'm into. Such as horror things.. I love scary anything, or youtubers!

Which do you like better, writing or reading?

Um, I don't know. I love both, and I know I couldn't be without them. But, I get distracted from writing so much.. I guess I would have to say reading.

What is the difference between you and Seamus?

Um, well.. I just thought this threw with a couple people and we were coming up with similarities and differences between Seamus and I. We came up with many similarities such as natural hair color, personality, games we enjoy.. And the difference was gender. So, not much! <3

What type of writing do you love to write/read about besides romance?

Um, Comedy or Horror definitely Same with Movies, except I don't watch romantic movies

If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

Umm.. I don't know, thats an interesting question. Probably one of my favorite youtubers, just to see what they go threw.


Language: English