
Might of Stolethe1ring

Ask @TomsFans4life

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Funniest "Laugh Out Loud" moment you've encountered today?

Cats thinking TV is a play toy.. Well, I thought it was funny.

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Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

It would be a day where nobody would have to work or go to school. We all can just hang out in Middle-Earth. less than a minute ago
Liked by: Kriela K. Kate Lion

What would you never post online?

Cute Kittens... They will kill you with their cuteness. Don't want the blame for that.

Post a picture of your favorite celebrity!

Got to admire his will for magical rings, plus I didn't have a picture of Gothy. Sorry Gothy!! Don't behead me and then throw me at a city.

What is your favorite restaurant in the world?

It's not really a restaurant, but I would want to go to a Hobbit party. They even light their cakes on fire if a Hobbit is giving hood speeches.
Liked by: Kriela K.

Can i find you in other social networking?

Follow the yellow brick road. Which means, I already answered this but want to keep it private now.
Liked by: Kate Lion

Do you think puppies or kittens are cuter?

I don't know, those kittens can give those puppies a run for their money. So I say; Babies!!


Language: English