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What do you think is the best "type" of ending in a movie or series finale? Do you prefer when it leaves something to the audience to figure out or rather that you get full closure? Or is it something else you prefer? :)

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
it depends on my mood but mostly I prefer happy endings :) I hate when it leaves something for the audience because I can think about it for weeks so I prefer when the audience get full closure :)
Liked by: Rebecca

give me links to some fucking torrents

IMrGamesMafia’s Profile PhotoAlex
excuse me ? if you want something you can ask me in a nice way ...
but anyways google is your friend ...
Liked by: Alex

What is your favorite and least favorite male\female character in Tvd and To ? :) <3

spuffyfan7’s Profile PhotoBuffy
Favorite male character : in To : Klaus :DDD in TVD : Damon :33
Favorite female character : in To : no one lol in TVD : Katherine :)
Least fav male character : in To : no one .. in TVD : Tyler
Least fav female character : in To : Hayley ( I just can't stand her sorry ) in TVD : Bonnie ( same here.. x.x )
Liked by: Buffy

Hey. I'm your subscriber and I love your videos. I started with my own youtube channel a month ago. This is my new TVD video (i just upload it) and I would really love to hear what do you think about it. Thank you, stay amazing:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9l1cQBCLSM

Hi ^^ First thank you for being my subscriber :* Second I loove loove your video so beautiful and sad and aww you almost made me cry ;(
Subscribed ! :) <3

What couple you regret shipping them,couple you will never ship and couple you will never stop shipping ? ''hope it makes sense'' :) <3

spuffyfan7’s Profile PhotoBuffy
ugh maybe Tyler and Caroline .. I have no idea how could I shipped them xd
the couple I will never is ship is probably Buffy and Angel x . x aaand Hanna and Travis :D I just can't :/
and there are a lot couple I will never stop shipping :) here are some examples : Spuffy, Captain Swan,Delena,Klaroline,Haleb,Stefan and Katherine and believe me a lot :D <3
Liked by: Buffy

This is more of a request than a question. Ask.fm can be a positive place, it can also be filled with hate & bullies. I would like each one of you to share something positive (could be cute, sweet or w/e) with us, in any form! It's a plus if you ask others to do the same. :D

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
Well cats always make me smile + they're super cute*....*
just look at my profile photo :333
Liked by: Darin Rebecca

Name Some Tv Shows that you're grateful that you watched them and and others that you regret watching ? :) <3

spuffyfan7’s Profile PhotoBuffy
I don't remember any TV shows what I watched and I regret it :\ maybe Ravenswood and only because I really liked it and it was cancelled so I'll never gonna know what would happened there :/
so here are some what I really love :)
Pretty Little Liars,The Vampire Diaries,Buffy the Vampire Slayer,Gilmore Girls,Supernatural,Once Upon a Time,Angel,The Originals,Awkward and LOT more :D

If you moved to another country and lived there for a while, what do you think is the thing you'd miss most about your country? (not friends and/or family, it's supposed to be tied to your country rather than to you personally :))

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
First sorry for I answer that late but I always thinking a LOT what to answer to your question because they're pretty hard lol and sometimes I have no idea what to answer so sorry about that :x
Second I already did moved okay not to another country but to a new city which is pretty different from the prev one :) well I born in LA and I lived there for 15 years and we moved to New York ( now I live there ) and the two country really different .. and I really miss LA :/ I was really sad because of the temperature .. xd I knooow it's sounds stupid but I love wearing light clothes and in New York it's not always possible :s
but probably if I'd miss Halloween the most because I heard that in some country they aren't celebrating Halloween .. :/ so I think that's it :D

Hi! I Found This Quote and I want To Ask Some Of Guys You Do You Agree With It ???? :) “if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.” Johnny Depp :) <3

spuffyfan7’s Profile PhotoBuffy
well Johnny Depp totally right about it :) look at Delena for example ,first she was in love with Stefan but now she is in love with Damon but she choose Damon because of it :D and same with Spuffy :3 and most of my OTPs :D so I'm agree with it :D and I hope it make any sense :DDD <3

If you could learn a new language, which language would you want to learn and why? How many languages can you speak currently? :)

rockrose92’s Profile PhotoRebecca
well I would love to learn Italian or Russian :) I don't know why I just like these languages :)
I only can speak English( and sometimes some of my foreign friends speak english better than me ..xd )
but I studied French years ago but I can't speak it :D
Liked by: Rebecca

What's the best and the worst season\ship\episode\character in BTVS FOR YOU ? :)

spuffyfan7’s Profile PhotoBuffy
Best season : 6th season because of Spuffy c:
Worst season : 2nd and 3rd because of Angel lol
Best ship : Buffy and Spike !! I just love them :))
Worst ship : Buffy and Angel :3
Best episode : 6x07 <3 ( but I also love 6x08,7x16,7x22,5x01,5x14,5x18,6x05,6x09,6x10,6x11,3x09,4x05,4x09,4x10,4x16,4x17,4x22 ) I think that's it :D
Best character : Spike <3333 I just LOOOOOVE him <3 :3
Worst character : Riley ( ugh I think I hate him more than Angel .. xd )


Language: English