
Lee Yew Chern

Ask @YewChern

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why does a person seek for trouble

It depends on how you define trouble.
Some say following the law while everyone else is not is trouble, and vice versa.
But ultimately, one seeks trouble perhaps to test the waters on how much trouble they can get into before burning themselves, it's human instinct after all.
Trouble, you shouldn't seek for it, but you should know how to search and solve before they search you.

written by Audrey Niffenegger?

Man Nee
Yeah, that's a good one, but you need to read clearly cause sometimes the story can be confusing

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which fiction book you recommend

have you tried The Time Traveler's Wife?
it's kinda a mixture of fiction and romance
((read the book first, then movie later

ganbatte yew chern!!

Thank you, and don't worry, I'll be fine.
when I'm stressed I eat desserts,
because stressed opposite is desserts :D

How do you know that you're in love?

I don't. I don't even understand the meaning yet. I'm not mature-minded yet.

you know, if you had a better personality, you might have friends

Yeah, I know.
you're stating the obvious hmm

which type of book

that's a tough one, I read from science fiction novels to comics, then sometimes random stories interests me like The Time Traveler's Wife or Before I Go To Sleep.
other than novels and stories I enjoy reading books teaching art, craft, architecture and sometimes about military warfare.
really it's a tough question, just gotta see where I hang around at bookstores hahaha

book lover?

Yeah, book lover ( sometimes the books get too expensive but I wanna read them so bad (((try going to Kinokuniya and imagine all the book belongs to you

I wish to understand you more who is Stanley? Adamska~

That depends on who you are
and I'll only tell if and only if I know you who are.
Cause if you wanna understand me more, I gotta understand you more too.

How did people have fun 200 years ago?

Having tea time, painting art, quoting poetry, spending time with family and counting money.

not now but one fine day

Alright then, hopefully I won't appear frightening nor scary.
But good talk, I'm glad we had a little chat.
Cheers :)
*p.s password is Adamska if you wanna ask me anything*

yes you are I never show how I felt probably I'm too shy its not the time yet you're special to me... I don't wanna feel this way can't choose its not even an option I'm sorry for being annoying

no, no, it's okay, I'm actually glad there's someone out there, that actually noticed me, nothing to be shy about.
I'm even more happy, that I have a special place in you haha..
so... are you gonna reveal yourself?
or have I got to go around with a secret password?

I've been noticing you for a year and half guess who am I

A year and a half, eh?
You have lots of patience to tolerate my foolishness.
But why, if I may ask?
am I even worth noticing?

What is your favourite food

Favorite food huh, that's a tough question hahaha, but lemme try.
During long hours, I like western food, where I can sit down and eat peacefully.
During short time, I like Japanese food, cause everything can be prepared fast and finished fast.
Daily basis, I like rice and bread :D

Isit necessary to be honest with everyone

Sure, it's necessary to be honest.
But no one said it's necessary to talk about that subject.


Sorry, senpai was busy trying to fix my life.
But will promise to notice you once I get my life straight :)

are you gay

by gay, I could be happy :D
by homosexually, nah I don't swing that way but I'm not homophobic :)

Who are you?

I'm an interchangeable person, the one that learns and adapts. In this ever-changing world we live in.
Also sometimes I'm a hermit, or a ronin, or a spy? LOL


Language: English