
Lee Yew Chern

Ask @YewChern

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events and Google hangout have you ever tried archery

but I don't use Google hangout...
and yeah I've tried archery before

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the one you like

Well, here's the joke (lol)
Why are humans ironic? Because we have iron in our blood.

What is your definition of pure happiness?

The feeling of being alive. Like, truly alive. Not breathing alive' alive. The kinda alive, that takes your breath away in a most epic way alive.

do you like hugging people

oooh I love hugs, but I'm not used to it maybe because I seldom hug people/receive hugs

what are you most afraid of

I'm afraid, that I will wake up one day and everything will not be how I perceived it to be.

what do you think about the most

The most?
I think about the world beyond myself.
Like imagine if you were a traveler, watching the world revolve around you.
Watching everyone else living their own lives, facing their own issues.
Then there you are, wondering, this is life.

seen anything weird lately?

Yeah, very weird stuff.
That makes me question if I'm stuck in a loop, or something similar to it.

what have you always wanted

I've always wanted a purpose, a cause to fight for.
I've always wanted a place where I can be at peace, with a friend or not.
I've always wanted many things, but I'm just asking too much.

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
But loyal or not I'm giving my friends my all.

can i have the link? (previous question wasn't me

Well, do you know about my twitter account? It's what I considered as my blog (though I'm seldom active there)

What are the best holidays you have ever had in your life?

the best holidays I have in my life so far was when I traveled to Harbin for vacation.

what are you waiting for

well, waiting for something can have lots of meaning depending on who you are?

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

The meaning lies within the period of eye contact


Language: English