
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Jamie didn't lie to you though, you didn't ask him to put it on Facebook and you shouldn't show people your convos without permission

Lmfao don't need permission from him+ I didn't lie to him either?

Texting is between two people not all the people on Facebook :P so it was wrong of you to post it on Facebook, just face it you were in the wrong completely

No? Everyone was making it out to be MY fault, he even admitted it was him as well, so I showed the people sticking up for him that he took blame too.

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Pop up if up need me:) and Nbf, yo get so much unneeded shit. Just deactivate your ask. It's for little faggots who wanna bully people but are too pussy too show there face' and it gets people down!!

I'm deactivating it Sunday:D
And will do, pop up if you need me too lovely always here><

I'm pretty sure Jamie wasn't happy with you putting that convo on Facebook

So he lied to me or he doesn't want Facebook to know the truth? Hmm.

oh okkayy, but how come people are saying loads of stuff and your saying sorry?x

And bcos I'm sorry for everything idk wah:(x

Didn't have a problem putting yours and jamies text on facebook a week or so ago though, did you????

It was to back me up with something? This had relevance to Corey and Jamie nothing to do with me.

I'm so confused?:s what's going on with you, Jamie and Corey noww?x

Jamie doesn't want to meet up, I'm best mates with Corey, Corey and Jamie are aight and yea'x

You have no idea about Jamie lately haha, you don't know who he likes and doesn't like

I have a text to prove it..

Corey I don't think Jamie likes you that much anymore

He does like him, it's just a bit ':/' bcos of how close we are, it should have been Corey being there for Jamie and not speaking to me as it wasn't a good break up, but Corey sticked by me, and I appreciate it so much. Without him idk where I'd be.

She didn't sabotage my relationship with Jamie at all? she's my best friend and Jamie and I are fine with each other... Why so concerned about others?


"Nope, I haven't done anything wrong in my opinion:)." How can you seriously suggest that you haven't done anything wrong. You stabbed Jamie in the back and could sabotage his relationship with Corey. That is a fucking disgusting thing to do.

I'm sorry okay.

woah im so confused who this person is who's been horrible to you about the whole situation... They definitely took things too far... I said I few things in the nicest way possible on here last night while trying to stick up for my friend... and this other person has gone over board :S xxx


I think I just saw you going up the road in Penarth on my way to my psychiatrist's. ;o You were looking gorgeous as usual. :3

Possibly o;
I saw you when I was driving past your shitty school and was going to say your hair looked lovely ehe. :3


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