
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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but it's not fair on you at all. Not at all, you deserve better even if you feel like you don't. You're beautiful Channing you really are, both inside and out, you're an inspiration and such a lovely young gal. I wish there was something I could do to help you :( Stay strong sweetheart ~hugs~

I'm sorry thank you. :c

Noo but you're not and I feel like it's my turn to help you out because you're always willing to help others and yet only get shit for it

Yup, that's true but it's my life.
Here by myself to help others, pretend I'm okay, be alone, get hate, repeat.

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What's wrong sweetheart? :(

nothing, I'm fine as fucking usual, doesn't make a difference anyway, I'm here for others benefit not mine. Sorry for sounding like a bitch, but just ignore me okay.

I was just asking. It's a genuine phrase we use, I was just wondering if it was only the people I know. Sorry.


In Wales, do you use the phrase "Going anal" as in like "Man, they're going so anal about this task" ?

i have no idea what you are talking about now go away ok

Hasn't everyone? Yes its hard, but please..please get through this, you desrve support, noone should feel so low about themselves! You DO have friends and you DO have love all around you,yeah you may disagree but you don't realise it! Your a special girl, break through it, prove them wrong

i'll try :/ thank you, pop up?

I'm not just saying this to 'boost your confidence' or whatever, but your absoultley gorgeous, and I know you disagree, but you really are. I do know how it feels to receive hate, and its absoultely destroying, it makes you feel like shit, you don't deserve this shit, yes you may have done wrong but

that's totally not true but thank you so much :c

Channing, things will get better for you! I know your going through a hard time, and I don't think anyone understands how you feel unless their going through it themselfes, don't give up your whole life for something that has happened/happening now! Continues on the next 'question'..

ok you just asked me this three times and i just can't understand wah sorry


Language: English