
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Does Georgia Carde self harm? I saw her the other day and she seems so sad lately. I thought maybe you would know? She's my friend and im worried so does she?

I honestly don't know, why don't you ask her? As a friend I'm sure she'll tell you?

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if i went to counselling outside of school, could they have contact with family?:/

if you're under 16 I believe so

how many people in our year would you say actually self harm :/, i swear way too many do it :'(

they do omfg, I feel so bad ugh:(, main reason I want to do the assembly it's getting ridiculous :\

Can you explain what happend with the year tutors asking about the assembly Ect xx

I asked if I could do it and he said yeah in February, so I'm going to organise something and then show him it in January and he'll say whether he wants to change anything for it being too upsetting or whatever which I will try my hardest not to make it, and it definitely won't be any triggering things or anything. But I want people to realise the seriousness of it, without hurting anyone. So yeah x

i'll fucking cut myself in a minute if you don't stop going on about depressing shit TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN.

I don't bring it up, I'm here to help people, don't like it FUCKING DELETE ME I'M NOT CHANGING FOR YOU, and don't you dare threaten that you'll hurt yourself because of me that's just plain sick in the head.

i cut myself sometimes but it scares me that ill cut the wrong place sometime :/ where do you cut no the wrist?

you mean you don't want to cut a vein..?

How does it feel knowing that loads of people come to you for advise on self harming and other stuff?

It's hard, but I like helping people, I'll always put others infront of me, it makes me feel better in a way.

is it weird that i don't cut from sadness any more, i do it because i feel i have to, even though there shouldn't be any kind of excuse i just feel like its on my mind all the time, its always in the back of my head I'm scared , i think thats whats making me sad, I'm scared

I know the feeling, but seriously I advise you to go see the school councillor lovely, things will get better, if you want them too, you are stronger than this


Language: English