
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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my bestfriend (yano the one who cuts etc) says the butterfly project doesnt work, she ses shes not worth recovery do you no anything else i could do? shes off to the doctors to see if she needs CAHMS but what else can i do?:s x sorry i know you dont like these questions but i dont know what to do x

No I don't mind these questions it's the one that fire 100 questions annoy me, try when you see her next and draw a butterfly on where she self harms, tell her that that is you, and if she cuts she cuts you and may kill you, and if she does that then she can see how much it hurts you too. Good on you for not giving up, the doctors should be able to help but just don't give up on her, always be there, constantly ring her making sure they're okay, get them to talk out their problems to you and if you need help with advice pop up to me and ill try help if you want, tell her to put her arms under cold water when she has the craving to do it, constantly remind her how much you need and love her, make her think of the future, make plans for her that she'll enjoy keep her mind busy just try your hardest you don't understand how much I respect you for trying to help your best friend, you my friend are amazing did you know that? Stay strong both of you and I hope this maybe helped a little. Always here x x x

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What great quote would you like to share?

'I know you're tired. I know you're physically and mentally and emotionally drained. But you have to keep going' idk it helps me, it's my wallpaper and sometimes gives me some motivation.. A little anyway~

seen posts on here about self harm, I'm scared, done it a lot, its not an addiction but please help me? I'm not depressed, i don't know what it is thats drawing me to it, but I've watched other peoples stories on it and its really frightening me, i don't know what i can do and I'm scared:'(<3

start fighting it now, fight the urge and pull yourself to stop it. Do the butterfly project, ignore the thoughts, keep yourself busy, ring a friend anything just STOP, maybe try to decrease how much you do it compared to now.. How often is this? And then gradually decrease until you stop? It's going to be okay, you're strong, you CAN get through this x

You have a hint of the Demi Lavatos about you, I now love you!!! xx


What if I told you, you meant the world to me but I can't prove it, I can only say it, I'm too far away to do anything about it. All I do is want you safe and happy. I would do anything to make you happy, but you have Jamie, so this is a really pointless message. I love you Channing.

Please pop up? Pretty pretty please?

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

looking up pictures of demi lovato and watching her interviews and tumblr and other social networking sites..aka the internet aha lml

Chan,you don't deserve all this hate on here your a beautiful girl,using your past problems to give people advice from personal experience nothing wrong with,just ignore all the dick,if they see this and they got a priblem of what I'm saying inbox me were they aint annon bunch of fucking twats love

Star Hudson
aw thank you this means so much seriously! pop up whenever if you ever need me or just a chat or anything beautiful :)

You're so amazing, you have stopped me from cuutting my self so many times, your inspirationsal and your a beautiful, I love you x

and this is why I don't delete my ask, because messages like this show that it helps people, and makes me feel more worthy..so I won't delete my ask for this reason as well, thank you so much, I'm ALWAYS here, just a message away whenever, i love you, stay strong lovely<3<3<3


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