
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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of course you are darling, of course you are... :'3 yes lucky me indeed, another week of pride before it gets brutally destroyed at the hands of that blue dress:c I get tights, it's all good;o xxxxxx

Elliot Ismail
Hehe that blue dress will compliment you and the red lipstick..ooh I cannot wait;3 xxxxxxx

hehe, such the dirty mind you:3 oh yes of course how could I possible forget:o and the wedding ceremony:o such plans with little time:c It shall be amazing. Luckily, I get another week before the dress and make up:D xxxxxx

Elliot Ismail
Excuse me? I am innocent{a}
Oh lucky you;)xxxxxx

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We all work hard in school to go to college, then to get a job, then to make money, but one day we die and where does all our hard work and money go? Why do humans spend their lives trying to survive instead of just living?

Sigh idk sweetie:(

heh I sorry;) only like a week until I see you, less than that actually:3 it'll go quick anyway, I hope:c disney films, munch and cuddles await. I shall be there very quickly. :3

Elliot Ismail
Aw I hope it comes fast~ innuendo ehe
And and Demi lovato. c: xxxxxx

YOU JUST DESCRIBED YOURSELF AGAIN. Well... You did say clever though;) I jk, i jk;o I hate this 300 thing limit:c I'm coming back as fast as I can though;3 You're the perfect one here:c you just don't understand how happy you make me bleeh:3 I wanna be there for cuddles right now, I miss you:c

Elliot Ismail
OI you that wasn't nice;). And you're silly adhdkdlfjajdldhdkd. I miss you too:c gr<3

See even you know that it would be perfect:3 You're more than welcome though, but I'm not perfect in any way at all, you are beautiful c: lucky guy over here though more like, you're just lucky cause I'm not next to you to annoy you again;)

Elliot Ismail
You? Annoy me? You wish;)
Okay, so you're beautiful. You're amazing. You make me smile just by looking at me like what how. You make me happy.. You are always there for me. You're incredible agskdlfdhdkf. You're clever. You're a baba who likes turbans;).. You're just perfect ok? Now hush up you, and hurry up back to Wales ok;)

YES ACTUALLY. Cause I'm not sat next to you;3 Then everything is perfect c:

Elliot Ismail
This is true.
But still aw, thank you ashdkdflfkldldjddikdkskd mwah><! You are perfect I swear to god, lucky girl over here hehe

Whilst I'm happy you're getting rid of this (the hate is just stupid) it's also a sad time cause in a way it's how we got close:3 ask is very important to me now, so I shall say goodbye with a tear in my eye as it's brought me the most amazing person in the world:3 Stay strong beautiful c: xxxxxxxxx

Elliot Ismail

Glad you're deleting ask again hate he abuse you get on here! iloveyousomuch it's crazy! Stay strong you'll be amazing! you got utako with you and Corey! You can be this! you're strong enough to beat this mother fucking thing! #inspiration! demi did it SHE CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU! BEAUT<3 ily millions!

This means a lot thank you so much x

just don't allow anonymous questions, your answers help me alot!!

But no one will ask me without anon lovely c':
Just pop up whenever I'm always here?xxxxx

why do you leave yourself open to abuse by having an ask account? not being funny but if you want people to stop abusing you then you should really close down your ask

Firstly - you should be stopping bullies not stopping social networking sites
Secondly - if you knew anything about me you'd know I am going off this forever tonight. :)

Opinon please? :Pxx

Don't really know you, you're pretty and seem really nice.. Used to talk sometimes and give you advice and yeah always here x


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