
You're going to be okay.

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opinion on self harm? dont care if you make it 100000 lines long;p x

aha okay here we go guys first rant for me being back;).
Self harm is a TERRIBLE thing, and I would NEVER advice ANYONE to start EVER. It's absolutely horrible, people think they can start and make a few small cuts here and there now and again and it'll be fine. It's not. It becomes an addiction. You release endorphins when you self harm&these are addictive. You will feel like you need the burning feeling again&again. Self harming will begin to control your life. Before you do it you will feel the passion to need to do it, it isn't a want, it's a need, a craving, you feel like you HAVE to have it, but once you've had it the release is sweet. For a second. But after that second has gone it all comes crashing down, the guilt, the pain, what will your friends say when they see? Will they believe you "fell over" again? Or was it the cat? What will your parents say? You think you can hide it? Really? Just keep it to your stomach? Your hips? Your thighs? What happens when you get changed? What happens when you're wearing a bikini, what happens when those marks SCAR your body for life. Think of what your children will say, how will you explain it to them without them wondering what it's like themselves? People can self harm without being depressed, but it can be a lead to it, people with depression are people that need others.They need people to be there for them. Depression is a virus that can take over your whole mind,&there are different forms of depression. But don't ever say "I'm so depressed that maths is tomorrow." Bitch, no. Being depressed is such a horrible thing, people say you're over reacting but you're physically not. Imagine feeling like you're being haunted by yourself, you try to run away but how do you run away from thoughts in your own mind? It starts just when you're alone, the thoughts eat away at you when you're by yourself. Then it spreads, the thoughts come at day as well as night, they start to come when you're around people. When you're around your friends, how do you hide the fact you feel like you're burning inside&the fact that you want to scream at the top of your voice to anyone that'll listen but you physically can't? Some days of having the thoughts can turn into EVERY day, EVERY night, EVERY minute, every fucking time there's a silence. Imagine trying to take an exam but you can't, because the silence eats away at you so much that you sit there&the only possible thing that you feel that can help is self harm. You turn to this when every little thing happens, you crash every day, you think you're going to recover you feel fine one day, the next it comes back. Ten times worse. Self harm can lead to depression&you NEVER want to feel this. Months of therapy. Having your parents not trust you. Having sharp items taken away. Having teachers watch you. Having people stare at you oddly. Having people judge you. Seriously, none of it is worth it. So DON'T start self harming. EVER. It can ruin your life, and your future..so yh x

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OMG I miss you :(

Fuck, I miss so many people going to cry omfg, cuddles for everyone, I'm back 6am Sunday mwah<33

It breaks my heart to see her with someone else. </3

Aw lovely:(, is she happy with them though? Pop up please<3

Channing it's Tami,You Are Fucking Perfect To Me <3 Pretty please Don't think your any less because you and so damn Perfect<3

Ily beautiful hoverer you are amazing x

I am gonna miss you so much, but my heart will be awaiting you return and it shall be a great day when I see you next <3


oh my gosh, you get so many likes on your photos

Aw aha. I'm what you call 'overrated,' I don't look like them in person unfortunately x


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