
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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its hard though, it really hurts me when we argue, she's my first proper relationship, ive been with her nearly a year now, and the things i say too her aswell, just really upsets me xxx

please pop up? I'd love to help:(?xx

Any friends of Jamies you would like to get to know more?

ryan todd seems really nicee, quite close with corey, feel like josh doesn't like me aha, feel like some of his other friends don't like me either, but sam seems alright:p

channing, ive been arguing with my girlfriend alot lately, ive cut once or twice, but never done it since, and im seriously thinking about doing it again? what can i do to keep my hands bsy to stop me from cutting?

type too me:D
talk to me lovely, I'd love to help! please don't do it again I'll do anything to help, draw, ring a friend, rant, sleep, eat, talk to your parents do ANYTHING to distract your mind please don't give in you are much stronger than this xx

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Name someone you would like to get too know more?

Mm, Jodie Morgan, Mollie Doble and get closer and not so awkward too Lauren Faulkner

Sorry, i don't understand, was rude of me, but i just don't think you should bothering answering questions on here about it etc

I can't talk about it in person, so I open up over here I'm sorry ok

im not saying your aren't depressed but you are too open about it. I've been struggling with depression and literally 2 people if that know, I even tried to kill myself early monday morning and have been in hospital and off school because of it and nobody except family and the hospital know so idk

but everyone deals with it differently, I know how it feels and I'm so sorry you have to go through that, most people can't deal with talking about it but I'm TRYING to get the awareness out because people don't understand how serious it is, depression is a mental illness yes? So it's like cancer, it's a physical illness, neither of us choose to have it, I just don't think we should cover up how we are in some aspects, obviously some things are too private to say, but we shouldn't be afraid to be who we are, I think we should be more accepted sigh I don't even know if that makes sense, I'm sorry..Always here if you need a chat though lovely seriously
Liked by: daisy

Does it annoy you when people try to help on here? Like saying 'stay strong' or 'hope you get better', or do you just realise that they care and don't know what else to do? :/ I want to help but don't know what I can say :/

popping up is the best thing to do in my opinion, jodie popped up the other day and said the nicest things and that night I didn't self harm, I felt like someone actually cared about me, it was an amazing feeling, honestly it was

why can't you just drop all this depressing stuff? just stop making status' or answering questions, stop talking to other people about it, just drop it and focus on other stuff

oh yes because I decided one day that I WANTED to be depressed, I wanted a mental illness that I can't control, I wanted to have to go through this everyday, okay don't worry for YOUR benefit I'll bottle it up, I won't get it out to anyone, and my self harm will get 12309482958392598 times worse, but dw because it's fine as long as I'm not annoying anyone on facebook right? Get a fucking grip of yourself

to the person that keeps mentioning channing's mum, fuck off before i make you fuck off you little peice of shit, just go sit in a corner on your own and shove you fist up your ass

bit far gorgeous x

its painful to watch, honestly, people saying omg no youre so beautiful, theyre just licking your ass. keep it to yourself no one wants to know about your selfharming cos it gives others to urge to start again!

I know I'm not beautiful, but why would they lick my ass? and I'm sorry to anyone i trigger, I really am but I help people too.

your begging for attention, if you were that upset you would keep it to yourself instead of posting it on here looking for sympathy, even though you say your not- that is what you're doing.. just confine in close friends you dont need it all over here

I don't like talking to my close friends about it because I fear pushing them away, I don't even complain about things that PERSONALLY upset me over here? I'm not looking for sympathy, if you don't like what I do just delete me couldn't care less
and you're*

you link your ask to your facebook though so they do go on facebook?

I don't post all the questions there though..

im sorry but saying ur worthless etc over here is just looking for attention and asking people to say omg no your not aw babe - have you heard of tumblr?

I hate being called babe, and I've got tumblr, I say all the horrible things about myself on ask yes but I make sure I don't post those ones to facebook so I'm not really attention seeking? and you're* and I'm not asking people, people do it voluntarily to be nice, unlike bitchy people like you, now leave ok.


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