
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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How would Jamie like to have broken teeth?

Not with him anymore, but just going to take a wild guess and say that he wouldn't?

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i poop in your butthole and then you will poop it back into my butt, and we will keep doing it back and forth. with the same poop. Forever.

Uhm I think you should leave now

Would you agree that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem?

Yes, oh gosh yes. But you have to think about those who you leave behind, how many people would be in shock, how many would regret things they said, think about the person who would find you, who would be scarred for life. You would have such an effect on so many people some positive some negative, I feel like crying thinking about it because the positives always outway the negatives but don't you dare leave me, okay?

who evers been writing these horrible things about you dont listen to them i know what self harming feels like its not nice ive been through and stil is going through be strong babe

Sigh thank you pop up maybe x


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