
You're going to be okay.

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out of the girls who you are friends with, what 5 do you think have difficulties that no one else understands, and wont be able to understand?xxx

It's really not my business to say anything aha

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I don't think I should, we've probs never spoke before but I seen all the abuse and hate you were getting and felt the need for a rant to them haha

aw please do:c?
but thank you either way it means a lot:)

I'm not going to try and make you feel better because I know that's not what you want people to do because people have different ways of dealing with things and if this is your way of dealing with it then people should support you not go against you! sorry rant over.

thank you lovely, means a lot, pop up maybe?x

Name some hot boys in your hear, even just a bit hot, even if you don't know them..name them.

people that weren't hot before but have changed hot off the top of my head..keiran thomas and tom mccarthy idk

Hot boys in your year who haven't always been hot ?

what even, I don't really consider any boys in my year hot:L

Who's really underrated in your year, not friends?x

uhm, how am I meant to know if they're underrated if I don't know them uhm uhm megan holland?

What do you think about the Amanda Todd thing?x

well I actually HATE the fact that some people are justifying the fact that Amanda Todd committed suicide and it's okay because she made a mistake, I get that other people get bullied as well and they commit, a lot of people commit and don't get recognition but that gives NO right for people to say "it's fine that she committed" or "she deserved it compared to other people" because it's NOT fair. NO ONE deserves to be in so much pain that they ever consider suicide let alone carry through with it.. I get where you're coming from because she's attractive but fucking think before you post pictures comparing her to other people it's like saying look at that guy smiling it's stupid because he has an average life and I live in a mansion I'm the only one that should be smiling, fuck no shut up ok? ok c; x

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I actually really admire you, you just say what ou think and that's amazing <3

hm, never really thought about it like that..but thank you that made me smile<3

The thoughts in your head make you feel awful, but they aren't YOUR thoughts! They're something else's, not your own. You've got to try and expel them and when that works, you'll feel better. Trust me xxxx

No I don't trust you, I know what I am, I know my thoughts are my own, I've been called ugly once, I've never been called fat, I do this to myself because I'm truthful please stop wasting your breath trying to help me because it's fucking pointless

different things help different people, blood on the wrist relieves me but repulses others... you gotta find something that helps your pain...<3

I know what relieves my pain.
Pop up please?<3

the worst thing is i know exactly how you feel... however i always see myself better through the burnin tears on my cheeks, no matter if my face is red from all the pain, i look better when im dealing with it<3

sigh, that's your way of dealing with it, but you shouldn't feel like that lovely x

if you sat infront of the mirrors for long enough youd focus on different on different things instead of your 'flaws' you could decide which way your hair most compliments your face, your best smile etc :)<3

This actually made me want to cry because I physically can't, I can't look at myself long enough without having tears coming to my eyes, without thoughts coming to my head of how disgusting I am, without pointing out every single flaw imaginable, I fucking hate myself and I can't cope with it, you think you can glance at me and call me beautiful or look at a picture and assume, but you just can't, you have no idea what it's like being trapped inside a body that you find utterly repulsive ugh
Liked by: Mikyla Tollerfield


Language: English