
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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wtfffffffffffffffffff chan,it was you that told the year tutors?nice one!!! why do you tell everyone that youre always their for them but youre just going behind our backs telling the year tutors? serious chan?

Lmfao, awkward because I only told the year tutors 3 names and each of them I've already spoken to, so don't pretend to be someone that's going through something because that's just childish and pathetic.

well you obviously didnt have a problem telling the year tutors, if you post on here then their friends will be able to help them, same logic as your answer to the year tutor question below?

Not at all, no it's not my place to say, the teachers were confidential and not telling anyone, I know for a fact that friends get upset and can't help, it's up to them who they tell I'm not telling:).

Are you planning or thinking on comitting suiside?:(xxxxx

Of course not lovely, don't worry about me okay xxxx

why did you tell your year tutor about all the other people in your year that self harms?

Because I felt really guilty I didn't mean to, I burst into tears and my year tutor brought me into the year Tutors and made me give names, and I'm glad I did because they're now getting the help they deserve.

I always make an effort with you but you dont seem to care :(

I do, I'm so sorry, I just..have a lot going on I'm really sorry, pop up and I promise I'll prioritize you more?xx

I wish everyone realised howmuch you needed people.My mum had depression,was hospitalised and on tranquilisers after my dad beat her about so I know how horrible it is. We've only spoken a few timesbutsending you a massive hug.I love you xx

aw omg, you're amazing please pop up? i love you x x x x

I'm pretty sure you hate me but I just want to be there for you :'(

I'm pretty sure I don't.. Pop up or something please?

,...me horrible fb messages. on the weekend i happened to see them in a shop and i tried to ignor them but they shouted 'ugly' and shit at me :c i swear i have no idea why ..guess im just too gross to look at

aw that's so sad:(, please pop up? I just want to help your confidence a little, you're not gross to look at don't ever say that ><!

i guess if you don't like her or sgree with her it mght make me feel a little better about myself :( i don't think you'll tell but i want to stay as anon, just warning yu she might just turn around and be horrible...

I'm probably never going to speak to her aha, but surely she wouldn't do it for no reason? I can't see her doing it, plus I don't know either of you so I can't judge.. Sorry that happened to you and I'm sure you're beautiful and have no reason to have your confidence knocked so smile beautiful ok? ok x

i would pop up but i find it quite embarressing :S yeah i know i shouldn't be mean about her but i didnt even know her and the things she's said to me really knocked my self confidence which tbh is lready pretty low :s

please pop up? it's not like I'll tell anyone or anything, what did she do to bully you..?D:
but like why are you telling me this from me saying i like her:'3?


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