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Why did you frog kiss me?

a type of kiss in which two partners face each other and flick their tongues in and out of their mouths in unison. When put out, the tongues touch each other. The resulting tongue movement and noise resembles a frog flicking its tongue in and out of its mouth (to catch bugs): hence the title "frog kiss."
omg wot

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Asians like rice right? Or are they more noodle people I've never met an Asian before

Seeing as I'm not an Asian I don't see why you're asking me, but you can't stereotype them all to like rice or noodles dude xD

Daddy, why did you eat my fries I bought them and they were mine

Über awkward moment this isn't Suzie so a randomer is calling me daddy uhmwotpls

Who couldn't you live without and describe why them or each of them individually

tomei & jamie cos
I literally couldn't live without tom tom, she just means the world to me and helps me get through so much..
and jamie's shown me happiness for the first time, in a long time, and although it's not so often, it has helped me and I don't know where I'd be without him.


Language: English