
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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you like ice hockey right? did you see what phil hill did to the glass last weekend? what if your boyfriend was against that shot?

What are you trying to get at? I don't understand your point; yes there's a risk but still he enjoys it, it helps him, yes I'd be upset if he got hurt of course but there's not much I could do about that right?

oh, you think hes any good then?

in all honesty we couldn't work out who was who but all the goalies were pretty good so yeah. c':

dont have a concern just wanted to see if you were concerned for him when he plays

well obviously, I'm not that much of a shit girlfriend

its a dangerous sport, have you seen him play?

I know, but it helps him get his stress out and he enjoys doing it, what's your concern may I ask?

fe i was just curious, ice hcokey isnt very big in britain so when someone likes it it is different, do you like Jamie playing it?

why wouldn't I?

i meant what made you like hockey in the first place, not why you went to another match

why do you care:L?..
because jamie played and I thought may as well watch a match and see what it's like :p?

what made you wnat the tickets in the first place? must have been a reason to go watch it

because I liked the match I went to before?:L

you and him seem to be like a perfect couple, i hope everything is alright between you two soon

sigh, there's no such thing as a perfect couple but thank you


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