
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Say someone had a gun to each of their heads, who would you choose? Just Imagine that, dot say that would never happen just imagine that

why do you even care, I'd never be in that situation so it doesn't matter, I don't want to imagine it, I'd say shoot me.

If you had to choose who would you rather not be in your life, Tomei or Jamie?

that's a silly question, and I wouldn't ever have to chose so I'm not going to

What do you like about your current boyfriend and why is he the best you've had?

Because he's just perfect, he's always there for me, he's amazing, he's caring, he's gorgeous-bonus, he makes me smile, I'm comfortable around him, I've spent so much time with him, he respects me and puts up with me, and I just can feel he likes me, I know it's genuine, and I can say I genuinely like him back and yeah..

opinion of Kieran Thomas?

he seems really nice! it's his birthday today:'), but the last time I said I'd never heard a bad word about him someone popped up like kicking off about him ahahaha, but yeah seems nice. c:

Do you know anyone else in your school who self harms?

uhrm, yeah but personally I don't know anyone who does it excessively if that makes sense, more like when something happens which is every few months but it still counts as self harm idk..

I love you too. Try and stay strong gorgeous. I know it's hard but you're always free to pop up any time you like to chat to me about anything. You can do this. <3

Laura Jenkins
I'm trying, thank you x


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