
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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Bullying to me is sick, you just need to stand up and hold your head high, they are all just probably jealous I know loads of people care and love for you and thats all you need! your truly beautiful and inspirational, ignore them all, I love you and I know a lot more people do to! your so beautiful

I'm trying so hard, I'm not beautiful but I love you ok? You're amazing and just thank you x

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Lighten up will you? There's too many people in this world who would trade their life for yours, so stop being so depressing, look at what you have and enjoy what you have. There's people with no arms trying to enjoy life more than you and they can't even scratch their own ass.


me: logs on to facebook ask.fm ask.fm ask.fm ask.fm :P only joking, i think i can unsubsribe to specific websites or something :P do you know how? :P

Corey I'm not in the mood. Why don't you pop up I don't understand you're just adding to the asks
Liked by: Rich Williams

if the amount of abuse you're getting is upsetting you why don't you just delete it you'll probably find oout that it is just 2 people max posting different things each day that's what usually happens in situations like this

I highly doubt it, picking at different things different times days it just doesn't add up.. And I like to know what people think of me, even if it does hurt me.

Also, how can anyone actually be bothered about one person even changing everyone's opinion on self harming. It's an outlet that can be handled in which ever way that is required.


Can everyone please stop talking about mine and channing's relationship, I don't care if you are on one of our sides or both or even against our relationship completely, it's our relationship, we are happy with it so please leave our relationship out of it

What he said

on verge of tears for what i said? i was only giving advice gheeze

Have you seen the amount of abuse I get on this? I've only has this since Monday. I can't take it and it's just topped it off I'm sorry for being a sensitive bitch.

you seem an amazing person sorry for upsetting you that was not my intention just make sure hes happy and everything will be okay

Bit late for that I'm on the verge of tears and can't sleep but yeah whatever it's fine I guess.

Fair enough if people accidentally saw your scars, but you write about it on Facebook all the time it does look attention seeking. You clearly have lots of friends and a family that loves you, you're very pretty and has a boyfriend. How is your life so bad? I would kill for that.

I'd give everything I have up for anyone because I don't deserve any of it, I have a perfect life and I fucking hate it, I can't take this anymore.. I'm not talking about this unless you talk to me on facebook ans show yourself now sorry.

Swear to god one more fucking person bully's or upsets Channing I will seriously kick off its upsetting to think there's people out there who have sad enough life's to go on annonomous and cyber bully her it makes me sick cause all this your saying to er could be making stuff 100x's worse

:( thank you

I'm doing it anonymous because I do not want people to know who I am, obviously. I am not judging you, I am simply saying keep things to yourself. I'm aloud to have an opinion. I don't fucking care what happened, theres no need to post it all over Facebook constantly.

I don't, if you even knew half the stuff then you'd have something to complain about. Don't like it fucking delete me see if I give a fuck.
Liked by: Joel Rios

it's not that he deserves better as you seem an amazing person it's just the fact that he may feel more feelings towards you than you do to him and that's just not fair please dont add an irrelevant comment as well it just makes you look like an attention seeker

I'm not a fucking attention seeker. And I'm not an amazing person he does deserve better he deserves someone that actually fucking loves him and I wish I could but I just.. Ugh idek

Whatever but could you please keep information like that to yourself, it infuriates me that people with depression, suicidal people and self harmers have to be dealt with calling attention seeking because of people like you.

Seriously fuck you. You obviously don't know me, and I don't even care. Have your opinion, hate me, but don't you even dare judge me when you have no idea what's happened and how people know. I got sent to the year tutors because a girl saw my scars when not many people knew and it got round and people saw because I couldn't cover up, and once people knew I wrote status' to try and stop cyber bullying. Nothing to do with just aiming it at me, that's recent because literally everyone knows now. So before you start generalizing fucking ask me what happens first, because people like YOU who judge others are just as fucking bad.

So stop your fucking blatant attention seeking via Facebook. It hurts me so bad that you just throw around personal information like that, it makes suicidal people, depressed people and self harmers look so attention seeking and I hate it. I'm not saying what you have gone though is not bad or (tbc)

I get your opinion, but why don't you just inbox me about this? I don't see why you're publicly posting it, when you could privately just do it? and I'm not attention seeking for the billionth time.

so long as he only "really likes you" as well it's not nice to have both sides of the relationship developed at different levels he will not be happy that way

what do you want me to do? break up with him because he deserves better? don't you think i already fucking know this.

are you even reading what i'm saying? obviously if you have to pretend to love him there's no point in the relationship at all but please for his sake just consider what i've said

I really like him, is that not good enough?


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