
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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chan, is there anyway you can turn off the facbook link thingy? :P it's like filling my feed. :P

ooooooops, I'll only post a few sorry >.<

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Channing, you have helped me through at lot of things and I am so thankfull, I used to self harm and you stoped me a long time back, to me your like a hero, you saved me from doing something I knew I would regret again.. you are such a wonderful person I know what it's like to be depressed and itdon

omfg, I never even knew this? I love you I love you I love you, I'm so happy for you. You're like an inspiration to me legit, pop up now<3<3

I love your statuses tbh, and I don't really know you, so I'm not biased..really don't get why people complain when they can just delete you, just because they wanna look 'cool' with more people on their friends list...

aw thank you! this is so nice:').
Who are you?c:

Chan, your gorgeous don't let anyone tell you different seriously, fuck them all if there going to bully you, yeah I said bully because thats what it is! your perfect in my eyes so ignore them all! I love you xoxo

you're* and i love you, you're amazing! thank you so much beautiful:*xxxxxxx

You're becoming worse and worse on Facebook, I shouldn't of tried so hard to help you, it's like talking to a brick wall. I should of just ignored you, I'm sorry but I'm done Misha, you are so clueless, so I'm gonna do what you tell people to do. I'm not getting in the way again

I push people away, it's what I fucking do.

You really don't, you have no problems in your life and you definitely do not have depression, my dad suffers from unipolar depression disorder so i know exactly what depression is like and you DO NOT HAVE IT, you're just attention seeking and shallow, don't talk about stuff you don't know about.

I do have depression actually, I've been clinically diagnosed. I have a therapist and a physiologist and I have anti depressants, so before you judge me and say this please actually consider that I have some things going on that you have NO IDEA about, so stop fucking thinking you know everything about me when you don't okay.

STFU with your statuses trying to take the moral high ground you have no idea what you're talking about...

Why don't you just delete me, I don't understand? And well I do know what I'm talking about tbh..


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