
You're going to be okay.

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do it "out of denzel washington, margret becket, ann widecombe which one would you marry, which would you go on a sixth month cruise and which would you have a one night stand with go!" it is essential please :)

6 months cruise, one night stand cause i could just spend the night with her not doing anything idk & marry cause I then could divorse asap idk Dx

out of denzel washington, margret becket, ann widecombe which one would you marry, which would you go on a sixth month cruise and which would you have a one night stand with go!

Idk who they are and it's effort looking them uppp

denzel washington, margret becket, ann widecombe, sixth month cruise, marry, one night stand go! (again)

Idk what you want me to say?

Just like to say to that anon earlier that privilege has NOTHING to do with mental health. Depression is an illness just as much as the common cold is, and you wouldn't say somebody with white, cis, straight, and male privilege wouldn't be able to suffer from one. Please stop being such an arsehole.

I love you.

babe don't listen to these hateeeeeeeeeeeers, they just trying to get you down love you xoxoxoxo

Well it's working.. Love you x

thought i'd post something to diffuse some of the virtual tension. i've got some maoams for you! :P

Thank you, really could do with something thats not hate.. Aw you babe:D

All the questions on this page are making me cry... Want to know why? You said it, the RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

You're confusing me:(

Can everyone please not post about our relationship on this, it's ours, no offence but you are not involved in this, call me old fashioned but a relationship is between two people

x x

David Cameron, Nick Clegg, or the Rent too damn high party?

Sorry I honestly don't pay attention to politics or politicians or whatever so don't really have an opinion
Liked by: Meg Evans


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