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Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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I'm not judging her. She DOES slut-shame and her lyrics ARE self righteous, I have evidence of that, as I've just shown. Also I thought I was entitled to my own opinion...

You are entitled, I'm just saying I don't agree and you're just being pathetic, why are you even talking to me about this?

"She wears short skirts, I wear t shirts", "She wears high heels, I wear sneakers". Okay then.

One of her songs, stop judging someone you don't even know over song lyrics, jesus fucking christ.

Opinion on kayleigh porter?

beautiful, lush hair, see around quite a bit, first properly met or kinda met in j m textiles with me ranting about pe tops aha:'), show definitely pop up soon :3

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How did you save someone's life?

They were on the verge of committing with tablets to overdose and razor blades and shit, and I skyped them calmed them down and managed to make her put it all away and yeah

Swear before today you had like 37ish answers and now you've got loads more, I would get it, but I know I would get asked nothing :'c

I only got ask.fm yesterday and I thought that too..I'm sure you would, but be careful about hate, I'm sure you wouldn't get any cause you're probably lovely but there's horrible people out there..so be careful

I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE. You have a nice ass;) .Can i cover it in nutella?

COOL. I don't have a nice ass o.O
Mm..I'd prefer if I had the nutella in me tbh..

im too nervous, drugs or no?x

Nervous about what?.. No, you'll get addicted and just no..please, come off anon/pop up?xxx

This isn't exactly a question but i just wanna say.. don't let anything in life get you down.. break through everything that gets in your way and carry on! You're strong enough to do it! Much love!<3

I'm really trying, thank you so much<3<3


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