
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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because it looks like someone just banged their rhodoks board sheild against the keyboard

Not really? I think it's kind of true..

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It's not your fault for the hate people are just too naïve to take into consideration other peoples feelings before they send anonymous hate and do it for the seeming self pleasure and self gratitude and to make them feel all big because they can bully people and get away with it.

I know, but I guess it's my fault for being annoying in the first place:/? Idk..
Liked by: Bailey☮

you have won the tournament, and furthermore you have earned 3600 denars from the clever bets you placed on yourself

I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about

I've never actually had Nutella, am I like missing out on one of the wonders of the world I take it?

Yes, yes you are.

do you think ottomans are overpowered?


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