
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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fine you want me to pop up i will ... but i know you don't like me ... ! and it wasn't me who told you to kill your self ... channing your amazing and i got jealous before im sorry ! i truly am and i don't expect you to forgive me ... xxx <3


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I don't know how much longer I can stay strong, I'm fed up, I'm tired and I just want it all to end but I'm too cowardice to go through with it because of the repercussions it will have on everyone else. I don't want to put them through that, they don't deserve it.

You can stay strong, I believe in you.

I'll pop up later, I'm just going to sit here, listen to music as loud as it will go and just try and forget. But I fucked up big time.

That's good but don't let it get to you, please pop up and stay strong okay mwah x

I fucked up big time Channing and I want to cut but I threw out all of my blades. I can't fix this and I don't know what to do

What happened pop up?!

no you hate me and if i did pop p you wouldn't believe me :(

Just pop up and tell me what you're referring to explain yourself and if I answer I'll answer my honest opinion:)


Language: English