
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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I've true but he won't listen! He knows that I cut&that I'm suicidal, but I feel like this is making it worse, he's not doing good, it's all my fault:'((

it's not your fault, tell him that he either helps you and stops making you feel worse, otherwise you need to end it with him.

My boyfriend makes me feel worthless:( i know he doesn't mean it, but when I tell him to stop it he won't, and he told me the other day that he cut for me:'(( I feel so guilty, please help!

why won't he stop:\? and that's not going to help! he needs to know that he should support you not be hurting himself that will only make the situation worse so let him know this:C?

I wish I could tell you who I am but youd be so ashamed of me.


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im not being bullied, but I've been called fat before, i feel worthless, i feel ugly and fat, and I'm not even being told it, I'm telling myself it, help me:c

you are not ugly nor fat and definitely not worthless, just breathe beautiful things are going to get better, thoughts will come into your mind but you just have to let them pass okay?<3

I wish I could tell you who I am and how suicidal i am right now. we are good friends but i could never tell you to your face how much im struggling, how severe my illness is, how much im bullied, how much im hated.

it's fine don't tell me to my face, we can talk about it over here / on facebook, please please talk to me:c

just constantly being told how ugly and worthless i am. crying my eyes out i hate this stupid world. grrrrrrrr

you are not ugly or worthless I PROMISE, ily ok? smile for me, pop up or something:c?<33

why am I being bullied. ffs my family hate me and everybody else. i hate this life, dont want 2 be in it anymore

what are people saying:c?
no one deserves to be bullied, I promise you things WILL get better don't say things like that, you are going to get better, smile for me beautiful<3333

At the moment by temptations to sh are so high that I feel physically sick. help

please pop up, or try running her arms under cold cold cold water to numb them, or draw all over yourself in red pen for every mark that you want to give yourself, it's fine I believe in you you dont need self harm to help you through this, ring a friend, talk to me, do anything but don't give in<3

Can't face school tomorrow. I feel debilitated by my depression and when I struggle my teachers are ignorant. Tonight is going to be a struggle.

I know the feeling but you can do this, you're stronger and you can through school and show those bitches of teachers exactly what you're made of. Stay strong<3

I'm planning on killing myself really soon but I just need to make sure you'll be at my funeral?

you are NOT going through with this, but I need to know who you are lovely, please don't:c
If you do which I will be so so so sad at, then I pinky promise I will be there if you tell me who you are?xxxxxxxx

What's your favorite perfume?

this is due to the question before about the song, i love it but it made me emotional and I don't want to post it incase it triggers anyone, but thank you lovely<3

well apparently I'm being dragged over to you lot at break tomorrow so ALL IS WELL WE SHALL MEET (((if I don't run off due to awks-ness))) :'3

I'll probably be awkward too so it's okay;3

I NEVER LEFT BEST FRIEND (((((I don't even think you know me but Lauren says you sort of know me but idk so happy days))))) HAZAAR

I have to MEET YOU OK


Language: English