
You're going to be okay.

Ask @YouMeAtNutella

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to the girl who was worried about masturbation, you shouldn't be! it's completely normal, just because youre a girl doesnt mean its wrong! lots of girls masturbate every day! ENJOY your body and do whatever feels good to you xxx


...encourage curvier people are doing so by putting people like me down. This isn't me having a go at channing, its aimed at thoughtless people posting on her ask.

I totally Agree with this and people that are naturally thin it's not fair to call them disgusting. I think you are beautiful just the way you are- to anyone reading this x
Liked by: Mikyla Tollerfield

Im a girl.I masturbate atleast twice a week. Should I go to the doctor? am i not normal? Im so worried please help. Obviously you can guess why i asked anonymously x

you can masturbate as much as you like lovely..:')x

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'I'm going to try and do it for year 9/10/11/12 possibly 8 but not too sure' Why not 13?

I'll try for year 13 too:)

isn't the assembly just going to put ideas in to peoples heads? half the people wouldnt self harm if they didnt hear about others doing it.

its too late, I've already gotten the word out about self harm, also I want to make people understand the seriousness of it and how cyber bullying is unacceptable and everyone takes things differently..

But there are some year 8s that aren't mature enough to understand, don't do it

I'm going to see how it goes with older years first, then think about it okay.

She don't even know u u smelly runt how can she love you when she don't know u

smelly runt?hahahahaha
She loves me fuck off:3

Don't you dare do it for year 8, they're too young

year 8s have been through some things as well and if i get it across to the younger age then it wont be a problem in the future and they wont even need to begin experimenting with it, I started self harm in year 8 on my own with no one, so I don't think we should class them as "too young"

is the assembly just for year 11? or will it be for year 10 and 9 as well? i think it would be great if it was

I'm going to try and do it for year 9/10/11/12 possibly 8 but not too sure x


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